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June 13, 2019

435 Reclaim Your Health and Freedom With A Walking Life; Antonia Malchik

435 Reclaim Your Health and Freedom With A Walking Life; Antonia Malchik
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Antonia Malchik is a writer who is fascinated with what it means to be human. In her new book, A Walking Life, she delves into the topic of community and how we can boost our creativity, our mental and physical health and our freedom, through the natural act of walking. She wrote the book while on a residency at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, in Alberta, Canada. Antonia previously worked as a journalist in Austria and Australia, and currently lives in Montana with her family.

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Most Influential Person

  • David Bressoud, Former President, Mathematical Association of America

Effect on Emotions

  • Made me more aware of them
  • I am very conscious now about how high my anxiety levels are
  • I'm wildly curious about the role of emotions in the physical body

Thoughts on Breathing

  • Everytime I get nervous, everytime my kids get tantrums I just say Okay… I can feel my heart slow down and the anxiety reduced.
  • It's absolutely necessary

Suggested Resources

  • Book: Instead of an actual book, I recommend Walking Meditation Cards from Donja de Groot in the Netherlands: http://dao2change.com/Contact/ She doesn't list them on her website. I just emailed and asked if I could buy a set.
  • App: Headspace
  • App: Laurie Brown's Pondercast podcast. It's not a meditation app per se, but when I can't sleep in the middle of the night listening to it takes me deep into questions of existence and helps shake off anxieties. I recommend it to friends as a treatment for the “3 am crazies.”

Bullying Story

  • It was my home that was not a safe place.
  • Although we have a different relationship now, my mother was very emotionally and psychologically abusive.

Free Gift

Get the ‘Release Your Overwhelm' Guided Meditation for only $4.99. Bruce Langford helps you abandon your inner blocks. Surrender your stress. Become more focused and raise your personal level of contentment. Achieve more with increased concentration. Download this full-length 30 minute guided meditation by Bruce Langford.