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Oct. 12, 2015

017 Michael Pullman: He Threw Computers in Anger but Now is Calm Like Buddha

017 Michael Pullman: He Threw Computers in Anger but Now is Calm Like Buddha
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Mindfulness Mode

Michael Pullman graduated in 2008 with a banking and finance degree. He has always had an avid interest in Franchisees and has now made a business out of his knowledge. Living in Adelaide, Australia, Michael is excited about inbound marketing and is involved in a business called Zuus Workforce. Michael is an avid believer in mindfulness and has beenpracticing mindfulness for years, helping him achieve calm and to get away from the busyness of life. Michael is also a podcaster with his own show called Franchisee Connect. 

Contact Info Most Influential Person
  • Michael's Mom. She has had issues with depression and used meditation to help her through those challenges. Michael was inspired by her to begin his own mindfulness practice.
Effect on Emotions
  • So much calmer - used to be aggressive when technology didn't work. In the past if he was frustrated with technology he would sometimes break things, smash things and throw computers and mobile phones. That no longer happens as a result of his mindfulness practice.
Suggested Resources Advice for Newbie

Get the Headspace app at www.headspace.com Do the "Take 10" program. Use this program for 10 minutes in the morning with headphones.