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Nov. 26, 2015

030 Kara Stricker: Oma Chocolate Uses Mindfulness to Exercise Your Emotions Like Muscles

030 Kara Stricker: Oma Chocolate Uses Mindfulness to Exercise Your Emotions Like Muscles
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Mindfulness Mode

Kara Stricker created her Oma Chocolate business, from a simple desire to feel more happiness. With a hundred dollar check, she walked away from her studies in college. Thousands of chocolate recipes later, she found happiness living in her heart. Incorporating ayurvedic spices to thebitterness of the dark chocolate encouraged her to become present to her emotions and gently exercise them like muscles. Kara believes in healing through mindfulness, that is being present to what she’s feeling without the judgement. Kara says, "It really boils down to accepting oneself and being yourself. Simply allowing myself to "love what I love". Many wonderful things began to change in her life - including breaking through her writer’s block and meeting her husband, Dave.

Contact Info
  • Website: www.OmaChocolate.com
  • Email: KaraStricker@OmaChocolate.com

Most Influential Person
  • Dr. Wayne Dyer
Effect on Emotions
  • I feel more positive (rather than negative) emotions in my everyday life. If I feel negative emotions, it feels more balanced and there's much more love and grace to welcome them in. I just just let them be.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • Everyday my breath or my holding back breath is a real immediate indicator of how to slow things down, be more mindful, and be engaged in the moment in a more relaxed way.
Suggested Resources Advice for Newbie

I would say, ask yourself the question, "What brings you joy and happiness?" It doesn't matter what you love, take that one thing that you love so much and practice it every day, be with it everyday.