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Dec. 14, 2015

035 Anne-Claire Holland: Stop and Check Your Breathing When Panic or Anger Feelings Surface

035 Anne-Claire Holland: Stop and Check Your Breathing When Panic or Anger Feelings Surface
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Mindfulness Mode

Anne-Claire Holland is a teacher, translator and communicator based in Germany. She is also the creator of knitted crafts of all kinds. She is fascinated by body language, and loves to communicate with people from the many different cultures in the world. Anne-Claire has been working on a new way to teachBiz English, focusing on Globish, an international, summarised form of English more suitable for companies who need to communicate with people globally. Anne-Claire includes mindfulness in her thoughts and daily life.

Contact Info
  • Facebook: Search Anne-Claire Holland and explain why you would like to be friends
Most Influential Person
  • My father.
Effect on Emotions
  • It has helped me to deal with them far better. It's helped me to sit, get quiet, look at them, accept them and let them happen. It's amazing how quickly they dissipate.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • It's an essential part of mindfulness. If we didn't breathe we'd drop dead. I don't do any complicated breathing excercises. When I notice I'm getting panicy or angry, I stop and check my breathing.
Suggested Resources Advice for Newbie

Go to The www.EvolvingWisdom.com websites. I would also say, always question. Have enough respect for yourself not to be totally impressed by someone who appears to be a guru. Listen to your intuition.