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Dec. 24, 2015

038 Kamala Chambers: Discover the Power in Being Gentle With Yourself and Others

038 Kamala Chambers: Discover the Power in Being Gentle With Yourself and Others
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Mindfulness Mode

Kamala Chambers is a relationship coach, mentor to online entrepreneurs and best-selling author. She is host of ‘The Lasting Love Podcast’ and also a business show called ‘Thriving Launch Podcast’.  Kamala is an entrepreneur, hashitch-hiked in 12 countries and is constantly learning from her many clients. Kamala believes being aware of your breath and your body is part of the secret of mindfulness. She suggests you frequently ask the question, “how can I relax more deeply right now?" The result, she says, will be magical.

Contact Info Most Influential Person
  • My first mentor in energy medicine school really helped to kick me off in that path.
Effect on Emotions
  • Definitely more steady and even when I am paying attention to the moment rather than just riding off on whatever emotion comes.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • It's all tied in with the breath. If we're holding our bodies tight and we're not breathing, how can we pay attention to what's happening in the moment.
Suggested Resources Advice for Newbie

It doesn't have to be complicated if you just practice taking a few deep breaths at a time and just notice what's happening in your body and noticing your sensations; the touch, the taste, the colors of the room. The more you practice, the easier it gets.