Eric Tivers is a psychotherapist and licensed Clinical Social Worker, sharing his expertise with clients as a consultant in private practice. He specializes in ADHD as well as high functioning autism. Eric is anational speaker, coach, and he also hosts the popular ADHD reWired podcast. Eric laughingly refers to himself as a recovering perfectionist. Eric actively practices mindful awareness in his personal and professional life.
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Most Influential Person
Effect on Emotions
- It has allowed me to explore anxiety and in a very paradoxical way because I don't judge my anxiety. When I noticed anxiety, I sat with the physical sensation without trying to push it away. I became more aware of it, so it didn't heighten it and at the same time it made me realize at a certain point that I was getting anxious on a regular basis.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Breathing is always there when we look for it. It's one of the easiest things for us to pay attention to and when we focus on our breath, we can expand outward from there. When our thoughts are racing, when we're feeling anxious, we can always just focus on our breath.
Suggested Resources
Advice for Newbie
If you're a skeptic of mindfulness, I would suggest reading the book 10% Happier by Dan Harris because Dan Harris was also a skeptic. Try it. Figure out what you're hoping mindfulness will bring.