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Jan. 4, 2016

041 Melissa Mattern: Reach Your Inner Mindfulness Through The Psychic Genius

041 Melissa Mattern: Reach Your Inner Mindfulness Through The Psychic Genius
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Mindfulness Mode

Melissa Mattern is a professional psychic known as The Psychic Genius. She’s energetic and fun and is committed to peace, daily mindfulness, meditation and living in love. Gratitude is a central theme in Melissa’s life, including being thankful for what she learned afterreceiving word in 2009 that she had breast cancer. Clients say - psychic readings with Melissa help bring clarity, release, joy and bring a big dose of inspiration to their lives. Previous to being an entrepreneur, Melissa was employed in corporate America where she learned many lessons about how to be highly successful on-line.

Contact Info
  • Website: www.ThePsychicGenius.com
  • Facebook: ThePsychicGenius
  • Twitter: @whispersmelissa
Most Influential Person
  • My kids, when they were babies. Also my cat.
Effect on Emotions
  • I was the biggest swayer of emotions you could meet, I was all over the place and had the hottest temper you can imagine. I loved to scorch the village. Now that I am more mindful, I know I can take a breath and come at things more from a place of love and from a place of understanding and wanting to make things right rather than just getting my way.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • Breathing is everything and nothing. It's as important as you make it. There are some days when I realize I'm not breathing and I need to breathe. For me meditation starts with that first breath and that tells my body and mind mind and my soul that, hey it's go time, kids, and we're going to meditate.
Suggested Resources Advice for Newbie

It doesn't need to be complicated at all, in fact the least complicated meditation is the best. That can be breathing, a 16 second meditation where you breathe in for 4, hold for 4, let out for 4 and hold for 4. You don't need a fancy cushion, you don't need anything fancy, you really just need to breathe and to spend a little time. You don't have to start with an hour.