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Jan. 21, 2016

046 Allan Misner: Keep Balance To Find Encouragement and Enlightenment

046 Allan Misner: Keep Balance To Find Encouragement and Enlightenment
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Mindfulness Mode

Allan Misner is a (CPA) Certified Public Accountant and a CIA (Certified Internal Audit). He is also passionate about being physically active and healthy and believes wholeheartedly in the practice of mindfulness. As part of this focus on health, Allen is active asa Certified Personal Trainer. He has also worked in various industries including oil and gas, retail, technology, hospitality, manufacturing and for 16 years as an internal auditor.

Contact Info Most Influential Person
  • My wife. When I leave my office, I drive home, get inside my head and let all the stress from the day go, so when I get home I can really be with my wife.
Effect on Emotions
  • When I'm doing well (with mindfulness), I'm very calm, serene and happy.
Thoughts on Breathing
  •  This is where I struggle the most and so that's why I like to use guided meditations.
Suggested Resources Advice for Newbie

  Mindfulness is not just about meditating and it's not just about points in time. Just easing into a couple of minutes in a ritual; it can be as simple as when I'm brushing my teeth at night to get ready for bed. When I'm done with that I should have cleared my mind and made myself ready. It's those little moments when you sit down and prepare yourself for what's about to happen that's going to help you be successful.