Nick Snapp is an Engineer, Productivity Strategist and Podcaster. He combines productivity with purpose for entrepreneurial Moms and Dads who want their time back.
provides innovative coaching, training and consulting services for
entrepreneurs who want to get the RIGHT things done. He's also host of The "Make it Snappy" Productivity Show
podcast. Nick’s faith fuels his love for people, culture, language
learning, and his passion for working productively and living
Contact Info
Most Influential Person
Effect on Emotions
- It
causes me to take a pause rather than just act. It's not just about
getting things done for me anymore, it's about getting the right things
Thoughts on Breathing
- If
I get really worked up I take ten deep breaths, which is a really good
strategy for me to calm down. So paying attention to breath is an
important thing but like I said earlier most of my focus when I'm in
some sort of meditation I try to keep it on god.
Suggested Resources
Advice for Newbie
- I
would say start with the "why" for sure. If you had all the money in
the world and everything you're doing and money is not a factor anymore
what do you do? What do you do with that time? and if you can get to
that point it just opens doors for you because you start thinking
consciously well do I really need the money to do these things.
Thank You Bonus:
a thank you for listening, download your Calm Your Busy Mind
Infographic. It focuses on breathing, exercise and mantras. Please leave
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away. Download It here.