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Aug. 18, 2016

134 Lose Massive Weight By Listening To Your Body Mindfully Suggests Cassie Crossley

134 Lose Massive Weight By Listening To Your Body Mindfully Suggests Cassie Crossley
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Mindfulness Mode

Cassie Crossley is a Paleo Diet success story! She has lost over 130 pounds (59 kg) after adopting the Paleo Lifestyle. Cassie is a technology executive in an international company which keeps her traveling 75% of the time around the world. Paleo has not only given her tremendous weight loss but also incredible improvements in all her health markers.

Contact Info
  • Company:
  • Website:ilovemyjobpodcast.com
  • Blog:
  • Podcast:
  • email: cassie@cassiecrossley.com
Most Influential Person
  • My husband
Effect on Emotions
  • I think I've mentioned it quite a bit, but the anger is gone. I still get angry, I mean, everybody get angry, but I used to... I'm sure my blood pressure would go through the roof. It was like the coyote off of the road runner series. I would be just a burst of frustration and stuff. And now, I think of it more of a gradual increase or a frustration. It's a big difference.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • That's actually how I focus on my meditation. I focus on the breathing in and the breathing out. If I stray off, which happens every few seconds, I refocus on the breathing so it is important and I'd listen to that breath so I don't always use ocean sounds as I'm meditating but I do always focus on the breathing.
Suggested Resources
  • Book: The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson
  • App: Brain Wave
Advice for Newbie

I would like those people to not worry about being perfect at it. Even if you can just do two minutes a day and just start and increase it, and that's what I did. I started very short on the meditation but it was pretty easy for me to come up to a longer time. I could go longer than eight minutes but I usually find that that is the point where I can continue to focus and I don't want to go and do something else. The other thing that I would recommend is they not only focus on meditation. It's not only that time, It's how they're treating their whole life.