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Oct. 3, 2016

150 Mindfully Chasing Dreams With Aimee J

150 Mindfully Chasing Dreams With Aimee J
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Mindfulness Mode

Aimee J. is a software developer, podcaster, speaker, and Chief Dream Chaser on the Chasing Dreams podcast.  Aimee began podcasting in 2013 and has launched multiple podcasts including Revisiting Haven, which discusses the TV show, Haven. This project took Aimee to Nova Scotia, Canada to interview the cast & crew of Haven on location. With her latest podcast, Chasing Dreams, Aimee is working to inspire and motivate people to chase their own dreams. Aimee believes that it is important to live without regret and as such, you need to make moves, take a chance, and chase your dreams.

Contact Info Most Influential Person
  • My Dad
Effect on Emotions
  • Mindfulness sets my mindset for the day. It can either settle it, or by not doing it, be anxious.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • It's a good thing to do on a day-to-day basis. When overwhelmed, I take some time to just take deep breaths and let it out. I don't do it in public, I'll just step to the side and give myself time to reset.
Suggested Resources
  • Book: Creating Magic Lee Cockerell (This is a wonderful book on leadership, but I recommend it for everyone)
  • App: Wonderlist or Things or Fantastical (Any kind of To-Do list as a productivity assistant)
Advice for Newbie

Take it one moment at a time, meaning reflect upon yourself. Don't try to take on the whole world. Don't try to take on more than you should. Start with something simple, something you know. Try being mindful of yourself. What is your state of being, what is your world like at that moment and then go from there.