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Nov. 14, 2016

163 Seeking Mindfulness Through Inner Picture Stories With Jellis Vaes

163 Seeking Mindfulness Through Inner Picture Stories With Jellis Vaes
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Mindfulness Mode

Jellis Vaes is a photographer, world traveler and founder of Inner Picture Stories. Not so long ago, he began a 2-month journey to South Africa and it transformed into a 3-year journey around the world. This was a self-healing discovery and awareness experience for Jellis. He now shares his journey with others, through his new found voice.

Contact Info Most Influential Person
  • Eckhart Tolle
Effect on Emotions
  • They made me realize my emotions and stand still about them.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • I think anyone who walks through a forest and took a couple of deep breaths can't deny that they felt amazing. I think breathing is very underrated actually because we do it all the time. Taking some deep breaths feels amazing because oxygen is how we stay alive.
Suggested Resources
  • Book: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  • App: Headspace & Notetaking App
Advice for Newbie

I would say go and buy the book, The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle because it helped me so much. It gave me a clear introduction to what mindfulness is.