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Sept. 18, 2017

252 Unlock Your Energy System Says Former Dominatrix Dana Pharant

252 Unlock Your Energy System Says Former Dominatrix Dana Pharant
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Mindfulness Mode

Dana Pharant is a Master healer, life strategist, published author and past CEO of a near 7-figure business and former Dominatrix. Dana is a transformational coach who uses dynamic tools for rapid change to your mindset. She uses her kick-ass energy and ability to perceive, pinpoint and pop the problem limiting you, your body or your business while having fun.

Contact Info Most Influential Person
  • My first energy healer teacher who really taught me to connect with the energy itself.
Effect on Emotions
  • That [Mindfulness] has been massive for not being caught up in them [my emotions] and allowing myself to expand out so that I can drop off all of that baggage and garbage.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • The breath is so critical for getting you connected because it allows you to really feel in your body. Oxygen is kind of important.
Suggested Resources
  • Book: I don't recommend a book for mindfulness. Mindfulness is more of a kinesthetic experience and reading books puts you into your head, so I'd suggest people to find guided meditations or music with binaural beats. Just start that process instead.
  • App: Macaroni Union Album "Weightless". This is fantastic for taking your brain waves into the theta state. I like to put this on and go for a barefoot walking meditation.
Bullying Story
  • The bullying story that comes to my mind is; it was grade one or grade two and being out in the school yard and of course one of the things with the Jehovah's Witness religion is the door knocking.
  • Everybody's familiar with that and so the kids in the school yard would taunt me and say that my father sells vacuum cleaners because we were going door to door.
  • They did this for weeks and it was so annoying and finally I punched one of them. Mindfulness probably would have been a better plan. I may be a little too fiesty.