Moustafa Hamwi is recognized as the world’s leading expert on Passionate Leadership. In one year, he has achieved what it has taken others 20 years to achieve. His amazing success at helping to empower leaders to work and live passionately, has resulted in him being nicknamed, ‘Mr. Passion’. On his talk show, Passion Sundays, Moustafa has interviewed over 180 world thought leaders.
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Most Influential Person
- My Swami in India who's been in caves for 13 years.
Effect on Emotions
- It has helped me to be more observant of my emotions. I am very passionate so when I'm upset, I'm very upset. When I'm having a bad day, I'm having a very bad day.
- I do everything with passion. Being more mindful has allowed me to be more observant and slowly I have learned to be less judging of my emotions.
- I'm no longer in that space of, you have to be mindful means you shouldn't be angry. I don't agree to that. If I'm angry, I'm angry, cause guess what, if somebody smashes into my car, I'm gonna be angry.
- I've learned to accept my anger as a natural reaction and watch it till it just goes up and it comes down again rather than try to fight it because when I was fighting it before, it made it more difficult. Now, I'm just present and watching. That means acceptance.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Breathing is everything. Let me put it this way, if you cease to breathe, you cease to exist. So the ultimate mindfulness is the ultimate breathing.
- I learned that when I did vipassana, the Buddhist meditation technique that Buddha used to get enlightened which is simply the induction course.
- They put us in a hall for ten days and all we do is observe our breathing. Every single morning I wake up and I do twenty minutes of vipassana.
Suggested Resources
Bullying Story
- The most bullied people in life, are bullies themselves. People who have been bullied at home or at some stage in their life, have an adverse protective reaction.
- In a way I feel empathetic with them because they had to go through a particular experience and maybe they were bullied at home and they go back to school and they take it out on their friends at school. Bullies exist everywhere in our lives.
- I just want to be clear, most of us are also bullies in one way, shape or form. I don't want anybody to get self-righteous here, including myself.
- We do bully certain people, certain ways. A lot of times we do it passively rather than aggressively.
- If somebody's in a place of power or fame, we can easily bully somebody much easier than someone else who has to force themself.
- If we're present, bullying will become a lot calmer. We can calm ourselves first and then let the other person be calm. In the end, with bullying, there is a certain reason why they are doing what they're doing.
- I've been bullied when I was back in Syria. I was about sixteen. I ended up in a fight, me and my friends where we fought with kids of military officers and these kids went and got seventeen soldiers to beat us up with chains.
- For a period [of time], that killed me, because I felt oppressed. This is beyond bullying. That incident gave me a drive to move out of Syria and explore a better future somewhere else. If it hadn't been for that incident, I would have still been living there and I wouldn't be who I am today.