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Nov. 9, 2017

268 Unlock Self-Love With The Mindfulness Key Suggests Joie Cheng

268 Unlock Self-Love With The Mindfulness Key Suggests Joie Cheng
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Mindfulness Mode

Joie Cheng, (M.S.W. Masters of Social Work), is the Self-Love Luminary. She's passionate about helping women love themselves so they can live their best life possible. Joie is a certified professional coach, mentor, healer, circle facilitator, and trained yoga teacher. Joie has a degree in Social Work and Psychology. She is the best-selling author of her book, The Naked Truth: A Woman’s Journey to Self-Love. This book conveys Joie's personal journey of healing herself naturally from depression through self-love.

Contact Info Most Influential Person
  • Deepak Chopra
Effect on Emotions
  • I think mindfulness has helped me to not get attached to the stories you get in your head about what something means and just saying, there's a thought and I can just let it pass. I don't have to be attached to it.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • Breathing is a really good way to instantly become aware and instantly drop into our body and notice our breath.
  • That's a really simple practice that we can do any time of the day. Just take a couple of deep breaths, especially if we're feeling stress, or are tired or whatever, just to take a few deep breaths. It's an instant state change.
Suggested Resources Bullying Story
  • I was fortunate not to have a lot of bullying when I was a kid.
  • There was this one girl when I was in Junior High, who used to make fun of me for being my race, my ethnicity.
  • She would do that 'eye' thing where she would move her eyes. And she'd say things.
  • Actually I think that I was grateful because mindfulness did help me because I didn't internalize it.
  • It think a lot of kids take it in and they think, oh, there's something wrong with me. So they really think that it's about them, rather than realizing that it's about the other person.
  • When someone bullies you, they're feeling insecure. It really has nothing to do with the person that's being bullied.
  • I just want to say that I really appreciate you making that connection between mindfulness and bullying  because I've never thought about that before and it made me think, yeah, you're right, mindfulness really can help with bullying.