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April 26, 2018

316 It's About Giving Says Conscious Millionaire JV Crum III

316 It's About Giving Says Conscious Millionaire JV Crum III
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JV Crum the III is a speaker, a coach and the best-selling author of Conscious Millionaire, the book that’s changed thousands of peoples’ lives. It can impact you too by helping you learn how to consciously grow your business and transform your life. JV is the man who has personally built businesses and is now the host of three podcasts under the branding of Conscious Millionaire.

Website: www.ConsciousMillionaire.com/challenge

Free Gift: Get the seven figure formula instantly. Get JV's book instantly (Conscious Millionaire) and you get the three day challenge to totally set up your business so that you're ready to have a trajectory called "Double my Business in the Next 12 Months. Click on the above link.Podcast: Conscious Millionaire

Bruce: Would you explain the mindfulness of money, JV?

JV: I think there are multiple pieces to it. Every client I work with, because I work with clients who are typically high achievers and now they want to go to a new level and one of the things, because I work with a lot of coaches, that's my primary market, but I also work with seven figure service businesses that want to add at least another million in the next 12 months.

I only work with people who really have high goals and even though they have the high goals, nobody ever ends up on the phone with me or on a zoom or anything or even on the show usually without really having a deep desire to help people. But there's something I've identified called the money purpose wound. That's the name I gave to it because they're purpose driven, but a lot of times they have conflicts about making more money.

Along the way they've picked up ideas like, I got these gifts for free so I have to go out and give them to people for free. Here's an important distinction between, are we coaches and entrepreneurs, are we really in the business of saving people, which is where that kind of wounded mindset and poverty mindset and I've got to go save them and it's wrong to charge them, or are we in the business of empowering them and selecting to work with people that we resonate with, whoever that group is, but we're here to empower them and when we make that distinction, we come to a new set of decisions and those decisions are, it's not our responsibility to decide if somebody wants or is ready to be empowered.

It's our responsibility to empower them if that's what they want and once we let go of we have to go save people and convince them, right? We have to convince them that they want to do something more with their life. That's a losing journey. And I know because I used to be in that business, right? I used to believe that I used to help people where I believed in them a hundred and ten percent, but they were acting at fifty percent and I thought if I just kept believing in them at a hundred and ten percent, finally they'd get the spark.

But you know what? I've come to a conclusion. People self choose whether they connect with the spark, it's our job then to empower them because they want to move forward. It's not our job to try to convince them they're ready when for whatever reason, and there could be so many different reasons. Their soul is not at that place at that moment. You've got to let them choose to be there.

Bruce: So what's the biggest reason that people have these money blocks?

JV: Well, you know, it's interesting because I can't even tell you what the seven are, and I'm not even embarrassed about that. In my book there's a chapter on abundance mindset and I came up with seven areas of limiting beliefs. I can't even tell you what six of them are because from working with so many clients, I found they all had the same one and here it is, but different people are gonna say it one of two ways.

Either they've got issues around I don't deserve or they call it I am not worthy and everybody resonates with one of those words more than the other. And when you work with that piece, it's like a linchpin. When you deal with that piece then all of a sudden all this other stuff starts dissolving and they start moving forward.

But you've got to address that. And it's not a one time thing because we have levels. Once you get to, let's say you're at one level, but now you want to double to another level, you've got to go through this process again. You know, I'm looking on and going, well, you know Berkshire-Hathaway. He used to be the richest guy in the world, but right now it's Amazon, right? So and he's at a hundred billion and in our lifetime we're going to be all here when there's the first trillionaire. Just a few years ago we thought fifty billion was a whole lot of money. Now we're for the first time at a hundred billion and it's really mindset. Now they're going to do different activities.

They're going to leverage higher. They're going to be in a position to leverage and leverage and leverage because that's how you really build wealth, but it's having the mindset and thinking about your life and your business and money differently and asking different questions that get you to that next level. Everybody has to go through this kind of, I deserve, and at some point you'll have gotten through that. But for most people, if you're not yet at ten million, I think you're still going through that and you may still be going through it if you're not yet at a hundred million because we just have different layers inside of us.

You help people get to their first seven figures. You know, that's the majority of the work I do because I know when I got there I was 25 and all of a sudden I could buy a four story brand new four-story home on the water, have a Mercedes, go to Europe, you know, that was now my playground and I grew up in a little town with two or three hundred people.

When you ask how poor were we? Imagine this. We had an eight party line and what that means is there were eight homes that shared the same single line. And when you wanted to use the phone, you'd have to say, Delores, would you mind getting off the phone? I need to make a phone call. You'd have to bargain with your neighbors on the phone line and there'd always be the little old lady who listened to everybody's calls. Nobody could afford to have their own line when I was growing up in the little town I lived in.

Bruce: Did you have your bathroom in your house?

JV: We did, but we actually called it a one holer. That was the country term for that. I think we all know what that is. You have one bathroom and everybody's got to share it. And we didn't even have central heat or anything. We had one floor furnace and it would be cold in the winter and everybody took their tern getting the floor furnace area to get dressed. So to get there at twenty-five really was a big deal, but I know what difference it makes for people, how it frees them up, how they can take care of their family, give to causes, have the freedom to all of a sudden live differently. And then I like to take people who are at seven figures and help them start adding more layers of millions on to really empower them to go out and create a bigger wave.

Bruce: You talk about passion, purpose, and values in your book. And I know you're all about that. You don't just talk about it, you live it. Share with us about the mindfulness behind that.

JV: Well, I think that all of us are on this planet for a specific reason that's unique to each one of us. And I was just actually having this conversation I think yesterday or the day before. I like all these hard finance pieces, but I really love working with people to discover that and I just seem to have a talent for it and I don't typically bring it up. But with almost every client we end up going through that process that when we discover, I call it your gold coin, think of it this way. Your purpose is written on one side, but when I was looking for my purpose, which was about 20 years ago, I sold companies because it was making money, but I was not happy. I didn't feel fulfilled. I didn't think I was doing what I was here to do.

I read a lot on purpose. I found most of it useless. It made me feel good, but it would say things like, when you find your purpose, you'll know it. And I said, well, I'd kind of already figured that part out. I want to know how to find it. Here's the answer folks, I'm going to give it to you because I want you to have it. On the other side of the coin is the secret for finding it and it's what's the difference you want to make for someone or something outside of yourself? It's not about you, it's about giving, it's about making a difference.

And when you focus on that and you start journaling, I'm a big journaler, so journal on that and you'll find several things might come up that something's going to resonate and then ask, well, who do I want to do this for? You know is it coaches, consultants? Is it bigger companies? Is it moms who have kids? Is it animals? Is it the planet in general? My purpose is, I want everybody to have clean water and that means we stop polluting the water. So that's really how you discover that purpose. That becomes the driver of your business. It becomes the driver of your life and that determines what conferences you go to, who you decide to hang out with, who you have relationships with, who you're friends with. Because all my friends are people who want to make a positive impact on the world, right? I just don't hang out with anybody else because I want us to all help each other to achieve that outcome and make our mark on the world and makes this a better world for everybody.