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June 21, 2018

332 Be a Mindful Master Connector Says Virginia Muzquiz

332 Be a Mindful Master Connector Says Virginia Muzquiz
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Virginia Muzquiz is known as the Referral Diva. She is an Executive Director with Business Network International, the Chief Connections Officer with Master Connectors, Inc and the host of the Passion+Purpose=IMPACT podcast. Well-known for her ability to connect the people she meets with people they need to know, Virginia is on a mission to help solo business owners connect to their purpose and their passion so they can build businesses that fund their dreams and have massive impact on the community where they live and serve.

Contact Info Most Influential Person
  • Callan Rush
Effect on Emotions
  • I'm no longer a reactive slave to my emotions. I'm actually a casual observer.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • Breathing is what ties the mind to clarity. I think breathing is what gives me clarity, focus and vision.
Suggested Resources
  • Book: Anything by Dr. Wayne Dyer
  • App: iTunes - Meditative music which I preview on Pandora and then purchase on iTunes
  • Also search for Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It's a Buddhist chant.
Bullying Story
  • I'll tell you a story because it does have that 'if I had known how to deal with it different' slant because I actually had a similar situation. I was 12 years old, 11 or 12 and it was in fifth grade and I was invited to Dana Amoli's birthday party. I felt like, oh my God, I made it. Dana was going to have me over to her house. I was going to get to go to the party and everything.
  • What I didn't know is I was the entertainment. Like if you've ever seen the movie mean girls, like I was the entertainment. So after all the parents went to bed, it probably was 11 or 12:00 at night.
  • The girls, they were all doing that thing where you lay down and you do light as a feather, stiff as a board and lift with two fingers.
  • Well, they got me to lay down, but instead of doing light as a feather stiff as a board, they held me down. They smeared me with green Jello and they shoved me in a closet and that's where I slept. I pounded on the door. I begged for them to let me out. And they didn't let me out until the morning.
  • I can't even remember really what happened because I'm sure that Mrs Amoli was horrified and talked to my mother. I don't remember.
  • That moment is like sticky and in the dark and laughing and, you know, that was just like, it's so wow. It's so present for me and how cruel and ucky that was.