Kasey and Brad Wallis are authors, international speakers, and workshop leaders, with an expertise in releasing limitations, lack and need. They have been featured guests on over 400 media outlets such as CNN, Fox News, NBC, and ABC, as well as mainstream radio, podcasts and telesummits. Brad and Kasey’s passion is to help people transform themselves and their lives. Their expertise allows others to know the highest version of themselves. They offer workshops and training experiences on their beautiful property in Utah.
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Most Influential Person
- Kasey: My father and my brother.
- Brad: Ghandi
Effect on Emotions
- Brad: Mindfulness has certainly made me more aware of my emotions. I was very much afraid not to show emotion. In fact, I was raised to not be an emotional person. And since becoming who I am today, I have no problem whatsoever showing my emotion about anything.
- Kasey: [Mindfulness and emotion] go right in alignment. Once you become aware of one thing, you automatically become aware of everything else and the mind and the emotion click engage together to create everything for you. But learning that you can choose, that helped me honor my emotions, helped me want my emotions, helped me to love my emotions and to help me dig those emotions out of everybody that I come in contact with because that's where intimacy lies.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Brad: I'll say I breathe more today than I ever have in my life. I do understand the power of closing my eyes and taking a few breaths. I get that now. Yeah, it's very powerful.
- Kasey: Breath is the physical action of alignment and quiet and calm and it was meant for physical embodiments to keep us in that state continually as an automated system just like blinking. And yet we've completely lost our acknowledgment and appreciation for it. So like anything else in life as we go back to everything that we appreciate and we love, we become masters of.
Suggested Resources
Bullying Story
- As you know, the bullier is also a victim. They are on the other side of the victimhood ball by being the implementer of victimhood upon someone who chooses to be a victim.
- They will eventually figure out that bullying is not bringing them joy either, but we understand what you're saying as far as, as the person being bullied. We actually have experience with this because of my son.
- We live in southern Utah. And so without having to say blatantly to everybody, I'm sure you can probably figure out what the dominant religion in Utah is. It's extraordinarily judgmental and extraordinarily controlling and their behaviors are very much dictated to them.
- I brought my children to southern Utah when they were very young and my son is gay and not Mormon. And he doesn't hunt or fish or kill things to be manly. And he was a bullying magnet as a child. [We tried] to keep him out of the way of some of these horrible, horrible kids.
- We also taught him empowerment of, not taking the role on in the sense that, your reaction to an action continues to conflict in the action. Okay. To stand up and say, no, I'm not gonna be in conflict with you.
- Now some people will say, yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but he's gonna get his ass kicked a few times. We say, yeah, a little bit, but he got better. He got better at not crawling around almost looking for the kid to kick him. Now, of course, working resourcefully with the kid that was bullying as well.
- We're not going to just stand back and allow that process to take place, of course. Because it is a two-way street. It's a massive street, a speedway of parents and kids and society and instructors, you know, those people that are in charge. They don't get it. So having conversations with principals and parents and the kids in the room and talking about love and compassion and tolerance and victim hood; that seemed to help.
- It really did seem to help to understand that the bully is a victim also, and part of that is him or her desperately seeking acknowledgment, desperately seeking some form of empowerment and to help teach them that there are other ways to get your empowerment than trying to take it from somebody else.
- So we worked that way with my son and all of his friends because he was in theater. So growing up then into high school at a performing arts high school, there were transgender children, bisexual children, homosexual children. We were the cool house everybody wanted to come to because they could all talk about whatever they wanted. It was actually quite eye-opening.
- But our job was to empower these kids to let them know who their soul was and their whole energy shifts. They'd go from really almost attracting the bullies to having some protection.
- That was a great experience to be able to walk through and continue to walk through because we work with those groups still.