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Sept. 27, 2018

361 Take Charge Of Your Wellbeing & Thrive; Eva Vennari

361 Take Charge Of Your Wellbeing & Thrive; Eva Vennari
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Mindfulness Mode

Eva Vennari is founder of The Elevate institute and she's on a mission to dismantle the status quo of the sickness industry. Eva spent most of her adult life suffering from all kinds of conditions and fighting for her sanity. She decided to take matters into our own hands. That's when everything shifted and her body went from being the enemy to being her best and most devoted ally and partner. Eva now teaches worldwide how sensitive people can take charge of their wellbeing and thrive in their lives.

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Most Influential Person

Effect on Emotions

  • I'm more in touch with them [my emotions], and less afraid of them and I love that our emotions are governed by our thoughts and I can back out of anything and not be fearful of my own emotions.

Thoughts on Breathing

  • Breathing is a big one because if I'm not conscious of my breathing and I notice they're shallow breath's going on, that automatically triggers that sympathetic dominance and I think my body goes into this panic mode so I can remember to breathe.

Suggested Resources

  • Book: Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer: The Hidden Power of Beauty, Blessing, Wisdom, and Hurt by  Gregg Braden
  • App: Water Your Body (This App will remind you to drink water)

Bullying Story

  • I was married for four years. It's been a long time, but I married somebody who would be considered a bully. It wasn't physical, it was that emotional and mental abuse that I simply didn't have the tools in my mindfulness box to understand how to deal with.
  • I just figured I'm a nice person and everybody should be nice to me. And this person, you know, he decided he was going to take advantage and I wished that I had been more present of mind to that lack of coherence between the brain and the heart because I knew walking down the aisle that I probably shouldn't be doing this.
  • And I did it anyways because the invitations were out. People were sitting there and I was like, oh my God, how embarrassing is this going to be? I was 20. I was young. I didn't have the experience that I do now.
  • I would not put up with things that I put up with in order to go through with that.
  • So in hindsight, you know, if we don't learn from our mistakes, I don't know what good they are. So make them young, I guess.
  • That would've been great to be able to manage that situation better, to be more mindful.

Free Gift

Get the 'Release Your Overwhelm' Guided Meditation for only $4.99. Bruce Langford helps you abandon your inner blocks. Surrender your stress. Become more focused and raise your personal level of contentment. Achieve more with increased concentration. Download this full-length 30 minute guided meditation by Bruce Langford.