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April 29, 2019

422 Aegis Living CEO and Author, Dwayne J. Clark

422 Aegis Living CEO and Author, Dwayne J. Clark
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Mindfulness Mode

Dwayne J. Clark is a serial entrepreneur and runs one of America’s premier assisted living communities called Aegis  Living, with over 30 locations and 2,000 staff members. Dwayne is a philanthropist who supports more than 70 local and global charities and has founded four of his own. He's also an award-winning film producer and author. His newest book is called: 30 Summers More: Live Now, Live Well, Live Long.

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Most Influential Person

  • My wife, Teresa

Effect on Emotions

  • Mindfulness brings on a different level of sensitivity. You get to stop your busy brain and your busy life and think of, how am I impacting the people and the world around me.
  • I have a hard time with that because I move at a quick pace so being mindful has to be very intentional for me. That's one of the reasons I meditate.

Thoughts on Breathing

  • I was just introduced to a breathing exercise that my yoga instructor talked to me about. It's deep breathing. I can't remember the name of the guy who invented it, I think he's Australian.
  • It brings about clarity and helps with cell reproduction.

Suggested Resources

Free Gift

Get the brand new ‘Sleep Naturally' Guided Meditation by Bruce Langford. A deep, easy sleep is yours to enjoy. Sleep naturally and fall asleep easily. Drift off to sleep with a calm, gentle voice. Click here: www.MindfulnessMode.com/Sleep