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Aug. 15, 2022

5 Ways A Dog Will Help You De-Stress

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Mindfulness Mode

My topic for today is about dogs, Mindful Tribe. I look forward to sharing with you, the ‘5 Ways A Dog Will Help You De-Stress'. I can tell you that my dogs in the past have helped me de-stress; Charlie, and Sadie were both amazing pets.

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Walking provides great cardio and is so healthy for us in many way. It's especially good as we get older, but it's excellent exercise for anyone of any age. Walking is great for our mental health and is terrific for our physical health and coordination. so

BOOK: A Walking Life by Antonia Malchik – www.MindfulnessMode.com.com/435 The episode is called “Reclaim Your Health and Freedom”. so

2/ Petting, Brushing, and Stroking

Sadie and Charlie both loved being petted, and brushed; they never seemed to get tired of it. so
I don't know of a dog that doesn't enjoy those things. It was not only something that they enjoyed, but as long as I settled back and relaxed and just allowed myself to enjoy it, then it was a great experience for me as well. You can look at it as a type of therapy because you're not only giving pleasure to your dog, but you are giving pleasure and health benefits to yourself. It helps us feel good as long as we allow the whole action of petting and stroking and brushing and combing to really feel good and be a mindful experience. Sink into it and allow it to be therapeutic for you. so

3/ Connections to others

I dedicated this episode to my friend Lindsay. She has two dogs, Ashkee and Willow and they have been a gift in her life.  She's told me lots of different stories about Ashkee and Willow and I've told her stories about Sadie and Charlie. That's only a small example, if you're a dog owner, I'm sure you can think of many times when you've met people and the topic of your dogs have come up. Before long, you are connecting with that other person as a result of your connection to dogs. so

4/ Help With Emotions 

Having a dog can help with our emotions. This is a topic we talk about a lot on Mindfulness Mode. Lots of times we don't stop and consider our emotions enough, and we sometimes tend to push our emotions down and not allow ourselves to be aware of our emotions. If you feel angry, allow yourself to feel angry, and the same is true for grief and sadness. Avoid pushing your emotions away. so

Having a dog can just really help you to relax and settle into your own space in the world. If you've been listening to Mindfulness Mode for a while, you know that we often talk about breathing. Sit with your dog and just take some deep breaths and relax and allow your time together to be a time of mindfulness. so

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, chronic stress can lead to health issues, including increased risk of depression and anxiety, and difficulties with learning. Stress can also negatively affect memory, concentration, and your ability to sleep easily and deeply. Stress can lower your immune system function. All of this stress can make it more challenging to be calm and focused and in the present moment. Dogs can help us connect with and feel our emotions more fully. so

5/ Reduce tension

If you own a dog you will probably feel a deep connection to your pet. If you're feeling down and discouraged, or if you're feeling excited they can read your emotions. Tuning into your dog and spending meaningful time together can help you connect more deeply to your emotions. Many of my friends who are dog owners have told me that when they spend time with their dog, they feel less anxiety and reduced tension. Spending time with your dog is a great way to unwind and let go of the day's frustrations.

Your Dog Can Improve Your Leadership Skills

Dr. Anne Gatty is an avid believer in the power of dogs to help us live mindful lives and even improve our leadership skills. I interviewed Dr. Gatty, on Episode 201. Check out the episode for interesting information about how dogs can improve our leadership skills. Also, consider reading Dr. Gatty's book, Leadership Unleashed: A Great Dane's Wisdom for the Business World by Dr. Ann Gatty.

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Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? Peace is within your grasp. I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach and hypnotist helping fast-track people just like you to shed their inner bully and move forward with confidence. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Send me an email at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with 'Coaching Session' in the subject line. We'll set up a zoom call and talk about how you can move forward to a better life.