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Jan. 30, 2020

501 The Neuroscience Of Health, Hormones, and Happiness; Dr. Sarah McKay

501 The Neuroscience Of Health, Hormones, and Happiness; Dr. Sarah McKay
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Mindfulness Mode

Dr. Sarah McKay is the director of The Neuroscience Academy, which offers professional education in applied neuroscience. Sarah has written a popular science book called The Women’s Brain Book, and presents the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Association), science TV show Catalyst. She received her PhD from Oxford, but after four years of postdoc research hung up her lab coat to launch a science communications business. Originally from New Zealand, she now calls Sydney’s Northern Beaches home, and together with her husband is raising two young surfer dudes and one cocker spaniel. In 2020, Sarah will take part in Homeward Bound, a women-in-STEMM leadership expedition to Antarctica.


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Most Influential Person

  • Jasper, her dog

Effect on Emotions

  • “It's given me the ability to stick back from them and not be consumed by them and realize that they are not me.”

Thoughts on Breathing

  • “I should be doing more than what I do now.”

Suggested Resources

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