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April 16, 2020

523 Stage 4 Lymphoma Survivor, Bruce Roger Matson

523 Stage 4 Lymphoma Survivor, Bruce Roger Matson
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Mindfulness Mode

Bruce Roger Matson is an educator of 28 years and his experiences include being a teacher, administrator, bus driver, and coach. He is also a stage 4 lymphoma survivor. Starting in January of 2014, he endured 18 sessions of chemo and eventually a month of radiation during the summer of 2018. He is now cancer free! During this very humbling time, he not only relied on his faith, but earnestly sought to learn and grow in his Christianity. The book he recently published is a by-product of his faith journey.

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Most Influential Person

  • Jesus Christ

Effect on Emotions

  • “I learned to be patient and contemplative before I speak.”
  • “I'm much better in cotrolling my emotions.”

Thoughts on Breathing

  • “If you can control your breathing, you can control your thoughts and emotions, you can calm your self too.”

Suggested Resources

Bullying Story

  • “A legally blind girl was being bullied in my first day as a building principal.”
  • “I talked to the boy who bullied the girl without raising my voice. He promised to never do it again. After a few weeks, he is now helping and defending the girl.”
  • “It was all in painting the picture of being mindful to this girl. What it meant to be in her shoes.”