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April 30, 2020

527 Awaken Your Alpha With Adam Lewis Walker

527 Awaken Your Alpha With Adam Lewis Walker
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Mindfulness Mode

Adam Lewis Walker is a Leadership & New Media Speaker and 2 x Best-selling Author. He hosts the top-ranked podcasts ‘The TalkXcelerator' and ‘Awaken Your Alpha' interviewing the world’s elite minds in over 400 episodes since early 2014. A former teacher and international pole-vaulter, Adam was attempting to reach the Olympics in 2008 when his career was cut short by a freak accident. Adam gave the TEDx talk Awaken Your Alpha, How to Rise Up and has been featured in The Huffington Post, ESPN, PodFest, Influencers Radio and many more. In 2018 “Awaken Your Alpha – Tales & Tactics To Thrive” also became an international bestseller on it's release.

Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info

  • Website: www.TalkXcelerator.com
  • Website: www.AYAlpha.com
  • Instagram: @AdamLewisWalker
  • Podcast: TalkXcelerator: How To Get A TedX Talk
  • Podcast: Awaken Your Alpha: Tales and Tactics To Thrive by Adam Lewis Walker

Most Influential Person

  • Seneca – Lucius Annaeus Seneca and also known simply as Seneca was a Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, and dramatist.

Effect on Emotions

  • “Adversity happens to us all so for me, it's not a shock when it happens. I'm more aware now.”

Thoughts on Breathing

  • “I'm a big believer of move and breathe. I'd like to walk to the gym and practice my breathing with my steps.”

Suggested Resources

Bullying Story

  • “I was a very little guy in school. I was the smallest guy, by far. One guy would always come up to me and punch me in the arm. I did not punch back.”
  • “They also force me to swear but I did not do it because it is uncool to not swear.”

Free Gift

Become more calm, focused, and happy by reading the top 12 books recommended on the Mindfulness Mode Podcast. This mini 14-page ebook entitled '12 Must-Read Mindfulness Books' outlines each of the top books recommended by guests on the show. Get your digital copy now at  MindfulnessMode.com/top12books