Ronny Leber is a keynote speaker and event host for corporate and sports events and has worked live with more than 5 million people worldwide over the course of his career. He is one of the few trainers for Tony Robbins and loves to incorporate mindfulness along with the human and emotional component into his speeches to create, together with the audience, unique and extraordinary emotions they will remember forever.
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Effect on Emotions
- The beautiful thing about this is that there is always a way. When you think there is no way, just take a step back, take a deep breath, connect to yourself, and then look at it with fresh eyes, and that's going to change your whole spectrum.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Breathing plays a huge role in my mindfulness. Oftentimes what happens is when we are so out of our minds, that our breathing is very shallow and in our chests.
- As for me also, as a public speaker, it's all about shifting the breath to the belly. Breathe in with the whole body and when you are taking 3, 4, 5, deep breaths in, hold the oxygen inside of you, breathe it out, do it again. Just talking about that makes me a lot calmer.
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Bullying Story
- I've been a care-giver at many youth camps in the past and I have been confronted with bullying. In elementary school it happened, but nobody meant any harm but it happened.
- When my wife was a kid, she was very skinny at the time, many people made fun of her, in school, her family, her brothers. For example they'd say when the wind is blowing, you're going to be blown away. She created a lot of complexes out of that.
- Even when she was going somewhere, even if someone else didn't bring it up, she would bring it up herself, because she was so insecure about it. If it was windy, she would be very quiet because she didn't want to attract attention to herself and then have someone make a joke about her.
- She just realized this many years later and at a Tony Robbins event she finally realized it was time to close the chapter and let go.
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