Increase your calm, focus and happiness through mindfulness & meditation. Learn from business experts and entrepreneurs like Jack Canfield, Dan Miller, Marie Diamond, and Dr. John Dimartini so you can be more relaxed, earn more money and be happy & contented. Interviews, tips and strategies to live ...
Play Latest EpisodeDo you ever feel like you could use a mental detox? Yeah, me too. I meditate every day. I practice mindfulness. I do a walking meditation every day. And still, the idea of a mental detox sounds appealing to me. Now, I have th...
Dr. Joan Palmiter Bajorek has a career in AI, and we discuss AI For Mindfulness and other purposes. Joan is a serial entrepreneur, AI leader, investor, podcast host, and the CEO of Clarity AI. She lost her job during two larg...
Judith Belmont can help you by providing therapeutic tips for healthier thinking. As the author of 11 mental health books and two therapeutic card decks, she equips counseling professionals, therapy clients, and self-help rea...
Laura Chandler is a writer, teacher, and award-winning songwriter sharing sacred stream wisdom. She co-founded and directs the Foundation of the Sacred Stream, a consciousness studies school in Berkeley, California. With a ba...
Sigmar Berg wants to help you find love and peace with the Lovetuner. Sigmar is an entrepreneur, artist, photographer, and fashion designer. Sigmar has spent his life seeking to bring wellness and balance to the world through...
We share a healing celebration today as Dr. and Master Sha opens a new healing center in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. Previously interviewed, Healing With Dr Sha . Master Sha combines traditional Chinese medicine, the essenc...
You can thrive with creativity, and having more aspects of creativity in your life will help you prosper in surprising ways. When you remember the times in your life when everything was flowing, do you feel like creativity wa...
Dr. Steven Masley motivates people to become healthier, starting with heart and brain health. He's a physician, nutritionist, best-selling author, and the creator of the number one health program for public television called,...
Dara McKinley teaches how to forgive. After studying psychology and spirituality for most of her life, an unlikely turn of events pointed Dara toward the forgiveness path. Upon searching online for a forgiveness how-to, Dara ...
Janice Kaplan is the guest of Tune Into Happiness, today’s MIndfulness Mode episode. She is a journalist, TV producer, and the author of fifteen popular books, including the New York Times bestseller The Gratitude Diaries . H...
Happiness and Your Body is today’s episode. I am sharing a short review of the book, What Your Body Knows About Happiness by Janice Kaplan. I will interview Janice Kaplan in a few days, about her new book, What Your Body Know...
Dr. John Demartini believes when we have reflective awareness and don't have the noise that judgments bring, we can be present with our own reflections. Dr. Demartini is a human behavior specialist, International best-selling...