March 11, 2021

A New Way to Think for a New World; Francis Cholle

A New Way to Think for a New World; Francis Cholle
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Francis Cholle uses deep human learning and cognitive science to help leaders and organizations solve complex problems and thrive in disruption. A Wall Street Journal and USA Today Best-selling author and international speaker, Francis Cholle has presented at Davos World Economic Forum, on the TED stage, Wharton and Columbia Universities, to name a few. His recent book is called: SQUIRCLE A New Way to Think for a New World. It offers a simple yet unconventional science-based model to make sure decisions in an unsure world.

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  • My acting teacher and my voice teacher.
Effect on Emotions
  • I'm a high-strung, hyper-active person and I've learned through the years, including March last year in the moment of the pandemic and the economic collapse.
  • I weathered through it when I did the math, where the economy was going was not very difficult to know that we would have more than 100 per cent debt ratio in America.
  • I was thinking, how is that going to work when you're a small business owner, you're a little boat on a big ocean and it becomes like a tsunami, it's very rough.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • I took myself and said, you know what COVID is asking us to remember what nature is and that nature rules the world, we don't rule the world. I decided to learn it now, what can you do now? I decided what I can do now is start breathing consciously, be in the moment.
  • What felt an abstraction years ago when I was studying acting in New York felt very real, very possible, and immediately gave me a sense of peace and I'm telling you
  • Breathing is so fundamental and so overlooked and so underated.
Suggested Resources Bullying Story
  • Things that happened between me and my brother and my father, some were violent experiences. They probably have shaped who I am. My father would always say, “Francis, why can't you do things like other people?”
  • I didn't know I was different from others. This came with some physical brutality. I worked through my stuff just like everybody else.
  • Recently, I was presenting a typical power lunch in a non-profit organization. I was not part of the lunch. The members were part of the lunch. One of the members was certifying with us in the Squircle program.
  • This was the beginning of a practicum. She was assisting me and shadowing me in the work. Then at lunch, she said we're bringing this to our non-profit organization for free.
  • There was a woman who didn't attend the experience because she came late and when it was time to share, she said, “no, I didn't come, I didn't assist, I don't have anything to share.
  • When the other person offered to share the information with the group, everybody was interested and one person even wanted to sign up for the course.
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