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March 28, 2022

Be As Young As You Feel

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Mindfulness Mode

Be as young as you feel is my topic for today, Mindful Tribe. Part two of Tom Campbell's, ‘What Is Consciousness' will be published on Wednesday night, so in three days from now. I honestly believe that no matter what your actual age is, you can choose to feel young and there are a lot of different ways of doing that. Today I'm excited to share
some of the thoughts that I have on this topic. I am sending out some Mindfulness Mode mugs and T shirts to some of my listeners who responded with an email. Check out my Instagram, and my TikTok.

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Here are five ways you can feel young, no matter what your age might be. And the first one is something we talk about a lot on the show. Be as young as you feel by being in charge of your thoughts.

Be In Charge Of Your Thoughts

Notice your thoughts. Be aware of what your thoughts are, are they, you know, put down thoughts are they thoughts where you're, you're putting yourself down and thinking negatively about you and who you are and what you're doing. Notice your thoughts, and don't let your thoughts be your inner bully. Now, sometimes that happens, like it's normal, I think, I think it's human, to sometimes notice that you're may be saying something negative. But don't let your thoughts be your inner bully on a lasting basis. There are a lot of ways you can make sure that doesn't happen. You can use mantras. If you notice that you're sending some negative thoughts to yourself, just start saying a mantra over and over and over. And I do that a lot. And I find it very much helps me meditate. We've talked a lot about meditation, choose to meditate every morning and every night. I think it's just a beautiful addition to my life. Read uplifting material. Watch inspiring videos. Feed your brain with positivity. There's a lot of negativity you could be feeding your brain with, but do spend time feeding your brain with that which is positive. Choosing great thoughts can help you be as young as you feel.

Minimize Sugar

Sugar causes inflammation. It definitely does. We we know that scientists have told us this over and over and over and inflammation does not do good things in your body. inflammation causes joint pain. It makes arthritis way worse. It causes all kinds of other challenges. Minimize sugar in your life and you will feel better. It is not easy. It takes a little time. Drink a lot of water, fresh, beautiful water and minimize the sugar in your life.

Check out my episode where I interview Barry Friedman. He talked about being an advocate of living the sugar free lifestyle. I met him in San Diego, and was so inspired by him that I went right ahead and cut sugar out of my diet, and it made a huge difference. Barry was a professional juggler for a very long time. It was interesting talking to him way back on episode 91. The episode is called, Barry Friedman Explains How To Be Present and Mindful. So go to www.mindfulnessmode.com/091.

Another episode that we talked about feeding your brain was episode 284, Discover the better brain solution with Dr. Stephen Masley. Make a decision to minimize sugar in your diet and it will help you be as young as you feel.

Get Moving

As humans, for some reason, there's something going on our brains that sometimes tell us not to get moving. I run almost every day and I find that by making the commitment to be active every day, I feel younger and more energetic. A lot of our guests talk about how important it is to move. Make a commitment to yourself and stick to it, to move every day. Whether it's walking, or running, swimming, cycling, maybe it's martial arts, just move. I have a mini trampoline and that is so easy on the joints, to just bounce on that and just allow your body to just feel good as you bounce. Moving every day will help you be as young as you feel.


Another topic you hear about constantly on mindfulness mode is the subject of breathing. It seems as though all my guests realize how very important breathing is. Breathing is something that can help you. We spend far too much of our time shallow breathing, and our bodies and especially our brains need oxygen, and we thrive on having ample oxygen. So do daily breathing exercises and just believe it, that breathing can change your life. Breathing is just a beautiful thing. So there are several episodes where we talk quite a bit about breathing like 511 Pause, breathe and smile to awaken your mindfulness. And that's by Gary Gach. And 49, Make a connection between becoming aware and breathing suggests Andrea Klunder Another person I met at an event in the United States number 109. Breathe in the universe to cope with mental illness. And that was Michael Weinberger in episode 109. So breathing and taking in lots of oxygen will help you to be as young as you feel.


Laughter is one of the most underrated things you can do. Make sure you laugh every day, even if you're just laughing for the sake of laughing. Laughing causes me to just feel so good and I think that we don't laugh enough. I say that often. I think it's great if you can find something really truly funny to laugh at and you can have a really good belly laugh. But apparently scientists have come to realize that we don't actually have to have something super funny to laugh at. As long as you're laughing, it delivers the same benefits to you. And this is what I learned from Dr. Madan Cataria, and he is features in the episode that was called Laughing in the face of COVID-19. I interviewed him in April of 2020. He's the person who started Laughter Yoga. You can go online search up Laughter Yoga, and you can join a virtual class of Laughter Yoga, and just laugh and and feel good, and I highly recommend it. Another person I interviewed was Soren Russow, Booster Shot of Happiness is the name of the episode. He's a guy that loves to laugh and I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Soren so you can check out that episode as well. And definitely do check out a laughter yoga group online in order to be as young as you feel.

So my top five tips to be as young as you feel, or maybe I should say begin to feel as young as you want are:

1/ be in charge of your thoughts 2/ minimize sugar 3/ get moving 4/ breathe 5/ laugh.

Take what we've learned today to reach new heights of calm focus and happiness. Stay in the mode.

Suggested Resources Related Episodes Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? Peace is within your grasp. I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach and hypnotist helping fast-track people just like you to shed their inner bully and move forward with confidence. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Send me an email at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘Coaching Session' in the subject line. We'll set up a zoom call and talk about how you can move forward to a better life.