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May 24, 2020

Deal With Depression By Using Self-Care App, MindStar; CEO Kristin Rulon

Deal With Depression By Using Self-Care App, MindStar; CEO Kristin Rulon
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Mindfulness Mode

Kristin Rulon is passionate about helping people with their mental wellness. She is a survivor of postpartum depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and as a result of her experiences, she developed Mind Star, the world’s first self-care app that pays you back. This app allows users to track their self-care over time and be rewarded for it. After Kristin gave birth to her third child, she had a birth control shot, and shortly after developed serious health issues. She decided to focus on healthy eating and exercise along with a vitamin plan. This helped for a few months and once again she began suffering mental health issues.

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  • “Mindfulness has enabled me to identify my emotions and no longer attach myself to them.”
Thoughts on Breathing
  • “I like to tell people that we are like trees and. it all comes down to the stump. And the stump to me is breathing.”
  • “Being aware of breathing is such a very vital part of that tree. It all starts there at the stump of breathing.”
Suggested Resources Bullying Story
  • “I like to picture my inner bully as very small. I give her own color and name. My inner bully is very small.”
  • “I just to say; Oh, there is my little inner bully. There she is. She's so cute, she's trying to ruin my day. It's kind of taking its power.”