Ashton Rodenhiser is a live illustrator who is passionate about doodling for mindfulness. She has brought over 2500 presentations and conversations to
life. She is on a mission to teach sketchnoting skills to students and professionals so they can use doodling and drawing as their best thinking and learning tool. When she’s not working with clients, she's being silly with her three young kids and husband in rural Canada.
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Most Influential Person
Effect On Emotions
- How has mindfulness affected how I deal with emotions? Oh, my gosh, well, that is a big question. I am definitely a highly sensitive person. And I think it's helped me just be okay with that. We'll keep it at that.
Thoughts On Breathing
- Oh, my gosh, what are my thoughts on breathing as it relates to mindfulness? Well, that I'm not so great at it.
- I definitely try to be mindful about breathing. But you have to really be intentional about it. This is something that I'm not so wonderful at.
Bullying Story
- I will tell you something that I learned a few years ago regarding a new definition for forgiveness. And it's really about letting go of the pain, so it doesn't hold you back anymore. Because it's not about forgiving a person; it has nothing to do with the other person. So, I feel like I take that philosophy into many different areas of my life. You know, so you could relate that to bullying.
- Because a lot of people who are bullied, they hang on to it. And they identify it; they name it; they create this into something that exists in a big way for them in their minds.
- And then they're not able to let go of it the way you're describing, and they think it's their identity.
- So it is so important to realize that it doesn't need to be your identity. It is making a very specific conscious decision to let this go.
- And it is a little bit about taking your own identity and power back and not giving it that energy.
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Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach and hypnotist helping fast-track people just like you to shed their inner bully and move forward with confidence. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Send me an email at with ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.