Michele Sammons is an inspirational author, spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned guide who works with clients worldwide helping them transform their lives through divine guidance. As an empath and intuitive, Michele’s light-hearted, joyful approach embraces her clients right where they are on their spiritual path and gently guides them to personal clarity and understanding. Michele is passionate about working with Spirit to uplift others while spreading love and joy along the way.
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Most Influential Person
Effect on Emotions
- Mindfulness is huge when it comes to emotions. Being an empath, and being aware not only of my emotions, but other folks emotions, just knowing exactly what's mine and what's someone else's is huge.
- Also knowing that I can shift my emotions. I don't have to stay in a state that feels uncomfortable to me. That is a choice. Being mindful of that choice and catching it early before it gets lots of momentum and before it goes off in one direction, that's been huge for me.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Breathing is one of the ways I connect into my meditations. Once my mind quiets, breath is the thing that I focus on until that naturally expands into other things.
- Breath always brings us home. It's the thing that grounds us.
Suggested Resources
Bullying Story
- I think that bullying can come in a lot of different forms; physical, mental, emotional.
- What I notice these days is energetic bullying where someone kind of forces an energy on you, almost like they puff themselves up.
- That's what I usually become aware of first.
- I notice where their energy is and I notice where my own energy is and then you can become aware of whether you want to engage with that or not.
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