Forrest Willett is a sought-after speaker and survivor of two traumatic brain injuries. The first was at 2 years old and the second was when he was 31, his life was forever as a result of a violent car accident. He had to relearn all the basic necessities over again – reading, writing, the ability to speak fluently, memory was a big issue. Forrest suffered from depression for over 5 years. He was 31 years old with a 2-year-old son, he had an excellent career, his business was booming. He felt helpless and hopeless. He was forced to make some tough decisions, like taking 100% responsibility for his life and giving up all blaming and excuses and complaining. To begin to overcome these limitations he had to quit looking back. He would wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and expect his former self to be there. He realized he did have a new chance at life, he could start over and make his new life a great life.
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Effect on Emotions
Thoughts on Breathing
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