Dec. 12, 2024

How To Stick To Meditation; Jackson Kerchis

How To Stick To Meditation; Jackson Kerchis
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How To Stick To Meditation; Jackson Kerchis

Jackson Kerchis teaches how to stick to meditation. He is a former operations leader, startup executive, and Zen monk. He's a co-founder and partner at Happiness Means Business and Warrior Leader Training Companies, where he helps business and military leaders solve their people problems. Notable clients include the Army National Guard and Young's Commercial (the largest produce hauler in the US). He created the world’s first major in happiness studies and taught the first course on happiness at the University of Alabama. He is the author of How to Stick to Meditation: The Science of Habit Meets the Art of Mindfulness.


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Most Influential Person

Effect on Emotions

  • Awareness, awareness, awareness. Once you are aware of an emotion and label it as an emotion, you see it as an emotion. It's kind of like magic. All of a sudden it doesn't push and pull you around.
  • The emotions then serve you rather than you serve them.

Thoughts on Breathing

  • I've come to think of breathing for me as a really powerful way to pull myself into a state of awareness.
  • I often start my morning practice by breathing to a count of 4 seconds and then a slow and controlled exhalation. When you have a longer, more pronounced exhalation, it causes a down-regulating effect on the nervous system.
  • In other words, it is a calming and centering sensation. I've leaned into doing more breath work and more focused breathing types of meditation practice.

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