Oct. 3, 2024
Raising Positivity; Eric McHugh

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Eric McHugh is an entrepreneur who is all about raising positivity. He is the president of SHOPX web3 e-commerce, Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer of Dataing and AI-powered matchmaking. In the past, he founded a VC-funded Saas platform, worked at Snap, in DC and Barcelona, and as a consultant for fortune 500 companies going through the bankruptcy process. Eric has an IQ of over 140, enjoys playing chess and fine cuisine, and his main hobbies include fighting, chess, reading, and meditation.
Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info- Website: https://shopx.co/
Herman Strasbourg
Effect on Emotions- I see emotions as fuel, and by accepting them, I can redirect and take action. When you're not mindful, you can't fully accept what's happening.
- Without acceptance, you're resisting the situation. Resisting an emotion only amplifies it by giving it more attention, which in turn strengthens the emotion.
- Acceptance, however, helps you navigate through it instead of fueling it further.
- Breathing is incredibly powerful.
- I view it as a way to absorb energy from the universe. Deep breathing is especially helpful, and whenever I feel overwhelmed, I focus on my breath.
- This practice, like the Wim Hof method, helps me regain calm and composure, especially when I need to refocus.
- Book: The Emerald Tablet of Hermes by Hermes Trismegistus
- Book: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
- Book: Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland
- App: n/a (avoid social media if you can)
- If someone is bullying you, it’s not excusable, but I try to see it from the perspective that they might be dealing with their own struggles. They may have challenging family circumstances, or maybe something traumatic happened, like losing a parent.
- You just never know what someone is going through. Approaching it with empathy might melt the ice around the bully’s heart, and sometimes, it can even lead to unexpected friendship.
- Of course, that’s much easier said than done.