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Feb. 25, 2021

Rising Above The Bully and Trauma; Dr. Lin Morel

Rising Above The Bully and Trauma; Dr. Lin Morel
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Mindfulness Mode

Dr. Lin Morel is a pioneer in connecting the dots between our spiritual nature and everyday life. She is the author of a number of books including 3 on the bestsellers list and her most recent book; Beyond Lovelyville: A Parable of Self-Awareness and Rising Above Trauma. A survivor of multiple traumas, Dr. Lin is dedicated to helping others transform their trauma into an inspired positive life. She invites you to join the joy movement and become a positive force for change.

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  • Christ
Effect on Emotions
  • It takes a lot for me to get upset. I used to be hair-trigger because of my sensitivity.
  • When I am upset, I know there's a breakthrough or something for me on the other side.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • My current spouse taught me to drop my abdomen because my umbilical cord was too short, so I had a physical issue with breathing.
  • I learned how to release it so now I can oxygenate my entire body by pulling in breath from here, from here, from the top to the bottom. It's kind of an energetic thing.
  • I can hold my breath for a very long time.
  • Breathing is a tool and if we become mindful, if we can expand with the breath, it's awesome.
Suggested Resources Bullying Story
  • I was chubby, I was uncoordinated. My parents house was messy, kids weren't allowed to visit. I was ridiculed and not invited to parties, or they planned parties and changed the date so I would show up a week later. Cruelty like that. People would knock my books out of my arms at school, stamp on my pens, called me names.
  • That all stopped when I started the martial arts. But what the damage had done, did not stop because I felt different, which I was. I was not standard issue.
  • I loved books and I loved nature. I would be much rather be sitting on a roof with the ladder pulled up, reading, or on the tree across the street where no one could get me.
  • I didn't know how to handle bullying. What allowed me to move into a space of self-confidence, was the martial arts. It was such a serendipity.
Related Episodes Upcoming Event

Bruce is speaking at this upcoming event called Tell Your Stories. If you’re in business, make a lasting impression on your potential clients with your story. My friend Elizabeth Johnston is The Story Expert, as well as a Literary Prof at Concordia University in Montreal and an On-line Teacher. She is hosting an online retreat that will unearth your stories. You’ll learn: • why story is important • the power of story circles • how to connect story to your business, and so much more! Here’s the link to register: www.MindfulnessMode.com/TellYourStories Dates: March 3 to 5, 2021

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