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March 11, 2024

Style, Confidence, and Connection; Kimmy Seltzer

Style, Confidence, and Connection; Kimmy Seltzer
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Mindfulness Mode

Kimmy Seltzer is an expert at style, confidence, and connection. She works as an image expert, dating coach, and matchmaker, drawing upon extensive experience as a therapist with a true inside-out approach. Passionate about her work, she not only possesses professional expertise but has also undergone a personal journey of transformation, understanding the empowering nature of such changes. Kimmy faced unexpected challenges when she moved to California with her now ex-husband and young children, experiencing a divorce that prompted internal, external, and professional changes. After shedding pregnancy weight, Kimberly embraced a new colorful wardrobe, which, coupled with better-fitting clothes, elevated her self-esteem. As her confidence grew, she attracted more people and opportunities. This personal evolution inspired her to focus her career on helping others navigate similar challenges and undergo their own transformations.

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Most Influential Person

  • My father

Effect On Emotions

  • Being a helper, I've been so trained on helping other people with emotions. In my young career it took a lot to really be okay with my emotions and not forget them. I think that's a common thing with helpers, that we tend to focus on others and not enough of ourselves.
  • I just make sure that every single day, I have room and space where I have just me. I'm not giving. I'm not talking. I exercise. I do yoga. I live here in California, so I walk by the beach. These are powerful tools for releasing.
  • I also have people in my life that I talk to. It is so important to have people that you trust and know to be able to air some of these things out.

Thoughts On Breathing

  • For me, breathing is embedded in my exercise and my yoga routine so I practice the breathing. And like I said I have that morning ritual where I do some sort of exercise every single day. I feel like the breathing is more organic to the process, but you know not everybody is like that. Some people have to have an app or dedicated time for meditation.

Bullying Story

  • That takes me back to the days when I worked in the school system as a clinical social worker. There were a ton of those scenarios with bullying, and I think probably now there are even more.
  • Where bullying comes from is, that person usually has been bullied themselves. A lot of it is in the household.
  • A lot of bullying stems from low self-esteem and so they bully other people. They do that so they will feel better about themselves because they are not really happy within.
  • When I worked with kids on this topic, what really help them was giving them a sense of self-worth. Giving them a purpose, giving them a job, giving them a task. Giving them something that they could feel good about so that they didn't have to get that negative attention.

Suggested Resources

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Are you experiencing anxiety and stress? I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach, and hypnotist who helps fast-track people like you to shed their inner bully and confidently move forward. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' in the subject line. We'll schedule a call to discuss how you can move forward to a better life.