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Nov. 16, 2023

The Healing Power Of Dogs; Heather Leigh Strom

The Healing Power Of Dogs; Heather Leigh Strom
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Heather Leigh Strom teaches how to embrace the healing power of dogs. She became a distinguished professional trainer and competitor by the age of 30, although her journey with dogs began at the mere age of 4. At first she saw dogs as a hobby, specializing in rehabilitating the most challenging cases, forming unique connections and effortlessly resolving their issues.
It became obvious that Heather not only had unparalleled commitment and bonding to dogs, but that she had a sort of psychic connection. Beyond her canine pursuits, Heather struggled with a profound sense of isolation and sought solutions in physical therapy and functional medicine. It wasn't until the global lockdown in 2020 that she experienced a profound energetic shift, initiating her awakening. Through daily collaboration, her connection to canines eradicated lifetimes of trauma, dissolved emotional pain, and illuminated Heather's true soul. The profound healing opened her channel, revealing her genuine destiny.

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Most Influential Person

Effect On Emotions

  • Emotions are powerful learning and healing tools. So when I have an emotion, I stop and I say, what's this about?
  • I ask myself, what do I need to know here? What do I need to release?

Thoughts On Breathing

  • So many of us don't breathe and I include myself. I catch myself not breathing. And when I feel stressed, I especially notice I'm not breathing.
  • And when I finally open up and take that deep breath, it's like a drink of ice cold water on a hot summer day, and the body goes, thank you.
  • You know,  it's very important to breathe.

  Bullying Story

  • I felt so alone during the part of my life when I was eight or nine. I was bullied by a kid that was younger than me and what I didn't know at the time was that he had a crush on me.  And that was the only way he knew how to try and express himself was that he bullied me.
  • But I was hiding under tables and terrified. This went on, maybe for a year.
  • I was also bullied by a counselor at church camp that same year. So a lot of bullying and it just caused me to retreat. It caused me to not trust anybody; to not trust the world. Cause nobody helped me. The teachers didn't help me. My parents didn't help me. You know, back then it was the sticks and stones.
  • Now they understand how traumatic it is. Now they understand that it turns people into killers. So I'm thankful for that. But back then, it just ate me up inside.
  • What I've learned through writing this book is that it was a message for me. I was attracting that experience in order to heal a part of me that felt bullied. And that's one thing that canine spirit guides helped me to heal. I hate to say brokenness within me, but it was a fractured part of my soul that had been damaged from previous experiences. And my ego was attracting that experience so that I would be aware of it.
  • So through mindfulness, now I go, why is this happening? Why am I experiencing this? What is the message for me in this experience?  And now I can go, Oh, okay. I need to let this go. And now, it will no longer find its way to me.

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