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April 22, 2021

Discover Your Self-Worth With Chelsea Austin

Discover Your Self-Worth With Chelsea Austin
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Mindfulness Mode

Chelsea Austin is a writer, speaker and advocate from Malibu, California raised by two of the most incredible parents, her dads. Chelsea has used her expertise in theatre and dance and used her story of being raised by two gay men, using it as a platform to spread love, tolerance and acceptance. Chelsea has advocated for the LGBTQ+ community since she was in high school and in 2010 was voted one of the Top Fifteen LGBT Activists in the Los Angeles area. Chelsea shares her message with the world on her blog, “The Girl With Five Names,” her podcast, “Worthiness Warriors,” and through speaking engagements.

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  • Gabby Bernstein Bestselling author, motivational speaker, spiritual leader, and podcast host
Effect on Emotions
  • Mindfulness has allowed me emotional literacy. It has allowed me the time it has taken to recognize that I feel an emotion and that there's something in there.
  • Mindfulness has also given me a place to help process that. Allowing myself to feel emotions as they come up and not squashing them down till a later date or time. 
Thoughts on Breathing
  • Breathing is huge. As someone who has been short of breath many times in life, a thirty second breath is something that saved me.
  • Inhaling for ten seconds, holding for ten and then releasing for ten, and then doing that for about five minutes is simple, but has literally saved my life when I thought I wasn't going to be able to take another breath. 
Suggested Resources Bullying Story
  • I was bullied, but never because I had two dads. I grew up in Las Angeles, born and raised in Malibu. I was known as the girl with two gay dads and that was my selling point. It was something I wore like a badge.
  • I'm also biologically related to both of my parents so that is something that was very uncommon. My dad Kevin, is my biological dad and my daddy, Dennis is my biological uncles, meaning his sister donated the egg so that my parents could have me.
  • It certainly did more to my internal state of mind that it did causing a lot of bullying externally. I was an example for a bunch of different human rights organizations (LGBTQ) to say here is the girl who was raised by two dads and she's well adjusted, well-spoken.
  • On the other hand I was a perfectionist and wanted to do all things the right way because I had in my mind, if I don't do things the right way, then they're going to see me as a reason why people shouldn't have kids.
  • I recognize now that's kind of a self-centered view of the world, but as a little kid, that was what I knew and that was my place I felt I had in the world. 
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