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Aug. 1, 2022

Everyday Crystal Healing; Lauren Blackford

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Mindfulness Mode

Lauren Blackford is a Holistic Wellness Coach, Yoga Teacher, Crystal Healer, and Meditation enthusiast. She believes in a holistic approach and strives to help others find their ideal balanced life for their mind, body, and spirit. After her divorce in 2014 and with 2 small children to raise on her own, she turned to crystals, nutrition, yoga, and mindfulness practices to not only rebuild her life but also rebuild herself into a whole, happy, and healthy woman, mom, and teacher that she is today. Nothing makes her happier than helping others do the same. Everyday Crystal Healing

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  • Her yoga teachers.
Effect on Emotions
  • Going back to my original definition of mindfulness, self-awareness. A lot of times when I can just say, Oh, I'm angry, what am I angry about? Alright, let me sit with this for a minute. It's easier to process emotions when you can be fully aware of what they are, and where they're coming from. Knowing that sometimes not about what it's about, and finding the actual original source of those emotions. Everyday Crystal Healing
Thoughts on Breathing
  • I think breathing is such an important aspect of it. For me, it's the best way to go from the sympathetic, nervous response to the parasympathetic nervous response going from flight or fight or flight is to rest and digest and bring yourself internally when you're meditating. Are you doing yoga or just sitting at your desk, focusing on your breath and getting rid of all the noise? This brings you back to yourself and the power of everyday crystal healing.
Suggested Resources Bullying Story
  • I had a difficult relationship with my mother. She had narcissistic tendencies, she has since passed away. But I didn't really understand that or know that growing up. And when I was a young adult, I was very much aware from my upbringing that my self-worth rested in someone else's opinion of me, particularly hers.
  • I didn't know that was not accurate, so I made a lot of choices based on people-pleasing and making sure that everybody else was happy and finding my worth in other people. And then what I found that my now ex-husband, also has narcissistic tendencies.
  • It wasn't until after divorcing him and finding my worth and finding self-love; that has been the key to the turnaround in my life. Then I realized that those relationships were not healthy, that my self-worth resides in my mere existence, and that I do not need to please other people to find my own happiness. That is what attracts the joy and the beauty that I have in my life. Everyday Crystal Healing
Related Episodes Special Offer Are you experiencing anxiety & stress? Peace is within your grasp. I’m Bruce Langford, a practicing coach and hypnotist helping fast-track people just like you to shed their inner bully and move forward with confidence. Book a Free Coaching Session to get you on the road to a more satisfying life, feeling grounded and focused. Send me an email at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘Coaching Session' in the subject line. We'll set up a zoom call and talk about how you can move forward to a better life.