Sarah Cart, an author celebrated for her captivating life and death love story, intricately weaves a narrative laden with the tumultuous journey of her husband's debilitating illness. Her latest book, “On My Way Back To You,” offers insights into navigating unforeseen challenges with the help of mindfulness and meditation. Hailing from New York and New England, Sarah honed her craft while contributing to various local publications, all while raising four sons alongside her beloved husband, Ben, in northeastern Ohio. Transitioning into empty nesters, the couple embarked on a new chapter in the Florida Keys, punctuated by summers spent reconnecting with family in Pennsylvania. Amidst the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sarah and Ben confronted added complexities in managing his health, striving to safeguard their marriage and sanity amidst adversity.
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- Book: On My Way Back to You: One Couple's Journey through Catastrophic Illness to Healing and Hope by Sarah Cart and Glenn Plaskin
Most Influential Person
Emotions and Breathing
Suggested Resources
- Book: Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience by Brene Brown
- Book: On My Way Back to You: One Couple's Journey through Catastrophic Illness to Healing and Hope by Sarah Cart and Glenn Plaskin
- App: Oprah and Deepak Meditation App
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