Oct. 31, 2024

Purpose-Driven Dad; Cameron Race

Purpose-Driven Dad; Cameron Race
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Purpose-Driven Dad; Cameron Race

Cameron Race is a purpose-driven dad, son, and business owner. He is the founder of the Man Up Dad (MUD) movement, a transformation program for businessmen and fathers, especially those with young children. MUD challenges men to confront the truth: they may not be the role models their children need. 2023 was pivotal; after learning his wife was pregnant with their second child, Cameron faced job loss and personal struggles, leading him to overhaul his life. Now, as a committed entrepreneur, he guides dads on their journey toward personal transformation and responsible fatherhood.

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Wes Watson, my first coach

Effect on Emotions
  • All we are is this big old ball of emotions. Those emotions are trying to hijack us from doing what's actually important to us.
  • If we're unaware of all these different emotions that we have and what they're trying to do then it's really easy to be distracted.
  • I have mindful practices that I go through every single day that help to ground and center me. They help me get back on track. It's changed my life.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • I know there is Wim Hof and a lot of people have specifically practiced breathing. I recognize in myself that when I am praying, I slow my breathing down.
  • As I slow my breathing down, everything slows down. My mind slows down, and any energy I have slows down.
  • Although I don't practice breathing, breathing is part of the practice I have.
Suggested Resources Bullying Story
  • When I was a kid, I was bullied some. I hit my growth spurt late. There were people that just picked on me based on my size.
  • I don't know how mindfulness would have made a difference. Maybe for the bully.
  • At the time it was painful but being a kid is painful, right. That's something I recognize more as I've gotten older.
  • As an adult, I realize that bullying is an inner turmoil. The way that we treat ourselves. It's really easy to give ourselves a hard time.
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