Dr. Kristen Lee, Ed.D., LICSW, known as “Dr. Kris”, is an internationally recognized, award-winning behavioral science clinician, researcher, educator, speaker, and comedian from Boston, Massachusetts. Her episode is entitled Worth The Risk.
As the Lead Faculty for Behavioral Science and Faculty-in-Residence at Northeastern University, Dr. Kris’s research and teaching interests include individual and [Read more…]
Archives for June 2022
Empty Into Fullness; Timothy Stuetz
Timothy Stuetz, the Magical Kids Books Creator, has written more children’s books than anyone alive, 86 to date. He also runs a Quantum Energy Training Academy, certifying graduates to practice and teach multiple forms of Meditation, Yoga, Qigong, and T’ai Chi for over 35 years. [Read more…]
Once Upon A Thought; Rosanna M. LoMeo
Rosanna M. LoMeo is an Intuitive and Certified Life Transformed Coach, Breathwork Facilitator, Sound Healer, Author, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Master/Teacher, Energy Healer, Usui Reiki Master, Licensed Massage Therapist of 25 years, Angel Card Reader, B.A. in Psychology and [Read more…]
Dad, Father, A Treasured Honor
Dad, Father, A Treasured Honor is my topic for today, since it is Father's Day here in Canada. I have put together 7 suggestions that can help you on your quest to being a good father. As a father, I have given a lot of [Read more…]
You Attract What You Are; Rai Hyde Cornell
Rai Hyde Cornell has been freelancing for more than 15 years. Now, she's sharing all of her most powerful business AND manifestation tricks and techniques with other freelancers. If you've been freelancing for a while and haven't hit your goals, or you're just getting started and you're feeling overwhelmed by it all, [Read more…]
Rise To Discover Your Best Self; Mary Welp
Mary Welp is a CranioSacral and Hypnotherapist living in Louisville, Kentucky with her husband Jim. She is in private practice, having done bodywork and hypnosis for 20 years. She worked with a nonprofit involving returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as served on the board of LinkUp, offering assistance to those who have dealt with [Read more…]
Music for Mindfulness; Dave Combs
Dave Combs is a songwriter, author, photographer, and publisher. A native of Erwin, Tennessee, Dave grew up in a family that enjoyed making music. Both of his parents and his grandmother Combs played the piano, which began his musical journey that included [Read more…]
An Overactive Mind Achieving Balance; Daniel Hess
Daniel Hess is a Writer/Filmmaker born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. After losing his best friend/cousin to Cystic Fibrosis when he was 10, Daniel began his first foray into writing and poetry. As he grew up and at the behest of his close friend in high school, Daniel pursued filmmaking in college. After graduating from Towson University in 2012, [Read more…]
Journaling To Manifest Your Best Life; Nathaniel A. Turner
Nathaniel A Turner is the author of multiple books, including the history-making, Raising Supaman. Turner’s books, videos, speeches, and training programs have empowered countless numbers of people and organizations. So that his child might be intellectually astute, globally competent, and socially conscious, Nate intentionally backward designed his [Read more…]