Sean Morgan teaches about fulfillment and the concept that life is about more than a daily grind or making money; it is about our search for meaning and happiness in life. Sean shares best practices and ancient wisdom based on his experiences and experiments in slow travel, lifestyle design, and being a digital nomad. Sean believes the true meaning of life is connected to simple and down to earth concerns such as family, friends, and nature.
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Most Influential Person
Effect on Emotions
- Mindfulness and Byron Katie's ‘The Work' has taken me from chronic type of neurotic emotional issues to complete peace. That's a big transformation with emotions.
Thoughts on Breathing
- The Wim Hof Method is one of the 43 Life Hacks. That brings a lot of awareness to your breathing.
- You have the conscious ability to put vitality into your body. It's palpable, you can feel the electricity charging through your body. That's been very transformational.
Suggested Resources
Bullying Story
- I went to this upper middle class high school and there were all these athletes with brand named clothing. They tried to make others feel they were less.
- I remember my reaction to it at the time. If they sent an insult to me, I would send an insult immediately back to them and try to hold my ground.
- It worked for the time-being. I guess the harsh realities of high school show you the harsh realities of the corporate world in a more raw way.
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