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Oct. 1, 2020

How To Fund Your Dream Life & Business; Nathen Aaren

How To Fund Your Dream Life & Business; Nathen Aaren
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Mindfulness Mode

Nathen Aaren is an Entre-tainer and funding expert for heart-centered entrepreneurs. He helps them merge all of their passions into one life mission to plan, fund, and build their dream businesses. He's raised over one million dollars per client and worked with Fortune 500 companies and Grammy Award winning artists including The Olympics, CBS Sports, Lil Wayne, and Adidas. He is also a podcast producer and has produced two podcasts which charted #1 on iTunes.

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  • Mindfulness has given me the ability to explore my emotions without judgment and basically understand the temperature, size and space of each emotion and allow me to be ok with that emotion so that I can release the emotions that are unnecessary with love.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • Breathing is incredible. I personally have a feeling that the reason the cold showers give me so much energy is not just because of the temperature, but because they cause me to start breathing so deeply.
  • So breathing is the key and if you are ever in such a panic state that you cant even conceptualize the idea of meditating, forcing yourself to breathe is the emergency solution.
Suggested Resources Bullying Story
  • When you break down bullying, it's a human being that is looking for some sort of validation or attention or love, and through their recklessness, as a lot of us are as kids, just having fun, laughing, crazy, just doing whatever we do, we find something that gets peoples’ attention.
  • Think about a little baby who is trying to get attention and then it knocks something over and the mom responds. Then the kid starts laughing and now realizes that if it knocks stuff over, it’s going to get the attention and the validation it wants. The same thing happens in school.
  • I genuinely think that the reason that someone is bullying, especially in younger years, has little or nothing to do with an actual issue or problem or pain that they’re having in their lives and other times it does have a lot to do with them expressing some other pain or challenge they’re dealing with maybe at home.
  • That being said, the main thing that I’ve experienced was that person in Los Angeles taking advantage of me as a young person who was motivated and driven to be successful in the music industry.
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Become more calm, focused, and happy by reading the top 12 books recommended on the Mindfulness Mode Podcast. This 14-page ebook entitled '12 Must-Read Mindfulness Books' outlines each of the top books recommended by guests on the show. Get your digital copy now at  MindfulnessMode.com/top12books