Meagan Fettes focuses on understanding the 3 minds and as a result, helps her clients step into their highest potential and grow their business in alignment with the 12 Universal Laws. She bridges the logical and spiritual aspects of business to help change leaders create more purposeful lives and leave meaningful legacies. Meagan’s process involves breaking down the science and fundamentals of the 3 minds, holding patterns, and vibrational shifts to support you in stepping into a higher potential and live with more fulfilling relationships and business life.
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- Get the Movie featuring Meagan Fettes – “How Thoughts Become Things” (This is an affiliate Link, Bruce Langford will receive a payment if you purchase through the above link).
Most Influential Person
- My Grandma
Effect on Emotions
- Mindfulness has allowed me to stabilize my emotions and be aware so I'm not reacting to experiences. instead, I am acknowledging them and then choosing from there.
Thoughts on Breathing
- Every morning I focus on specific breathwork just to expand the energy of life within my physical body. I have stickers around my house that remind me to stop and breathe.
Suggested Resources
- Book: The 30-Day Mental Diet by
- App: Insight Timer
Bullying Story
- I used to utilize mindfulness in the school system to help support building confidence from the inside out so that we would ideally irradicate the need to bully.
- One experience I can think of was in Junior High, there was a girl who was very mean to myself and a few other girls. She would pull us apart in every way that she could. In that moment, if I had mindfulness, I would have been able to see that experience a little bit different. I would have been able to see that hurt wasn't directed at me, it was more of an expression of the hurt that she was feeling.
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Special Offer
Get the Movie featuring Meagan Fettes – “How Thoughts Become Things” (This is an affiliate Link, meaning Bruce Langford will receive a payment if you purchase through the above link). Learn how to manifest the life of your dreams, with Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Marie Diamond, Meagan Fettes, and others.
Episode TranscriptNote: The following transcript is a draft transcript, and as such, may contain computer-generated mistranslations. |
Bruce Langford:
How did you get into this work of helping other people find that they have choices and leading them in the right direction?
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
Well, I locked out. I grew up actually with a very in depth lately, connected I'll call her grandmother. She was the most incredible woman. She studied personal development, she practiced Reiki. She taught us meditation. And so I grew up in that kind of environment where she taught us to slow down and really take in life. And so I had that foundation at the beginning, but I still, you know, as life goes, had to venture off and find my own path and ended up as a teenager, finding out that boys and drugs and alcohol were a lot more fun and took myself down this really deep path of addiction. And, and so I totally understand that feeling of not having choice because when you create a pattern, so in depth in your being, it really does feel like there's no opportunity to get out.
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
There might be a desire, but how do we actually move out of it? And I literally woke up one day and that choice was right in front of me. I knew that I had two options. One could be to continue down the path of addiction or the other one could be to just try something new. And there was something in me that just knew that that was the way I had to go do something new, see what happens. And I made that choice and I left all my friends. Now, I won't say that it was an easy choice and an easy path, but I did it. And I found my first yoga teacher training. And I went in thinking, Oh, you know, I'm just going to learn how to move my body. And I'm going to be a great human pretzel. And it turned out to be so much more because there was that invitation of looking at well, what actions are you taking?
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
What belief systems are you holding onto? What ideas do you have about yourself, about the world that is keeping you in this experience? And it was really about like unwinding all of these layers of things that I had placed upon myself over the years, and really getting down to the core so that I could see what are in the most simplistic ways. What are my core limiting beliefs that I'm holding onto that I'm choosing to navigate from and what patterns do I use to keep me there? And that changed my life. So I knew in that moment, I needed to share the tools.
Bruce Langford:
Megan, I want to go back for a moment to the pain of addiction, to some of your lowest points when you were, you were struggling and you're feeling lost. Can you describe a day when you were at that low, low point?
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
Absolutely. there's a couple that actually come to mind where there would be days of not sleeping, not connecting with anybody. And just all that was important to that moment was the drugs. And in that experience knowing, right, like it's like it, the best way I can describe it is it's like an inner conflict. The conscious mind knows that this is not, that wasn't where I wanted it to be. But yet that feeling of not having choice, I felt like I deserved that. Like I was worthless that I was a failure. And so those feelings just kept me into that space because even though consciously I knew that this wasn't right, there was almost like a succumbing to those negative belief systems. Well, if I'm a failure, if I'm already doing this, then what's the point of trying anything different. And there would be days where that would be the first thought that would come into my mind, I'd wake up in the morning. And the first thought would be okay, let's count down the hours until I can go and get drugs and start drinking. And at the end, when I would come out of those times, there would be so much judgment, so much judgment about myself, falling back into those patterns, doing that same thing, knowing that I didn't like it. I didn't want to be there that it wasn't serving me that again, it would create that cycle because it was the desire to run from those very powerful, overwhelming feelings.
Bruce Langford:
So how were you able to stop that cycle of shame?
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
Yeah. And you know, I really looking back at it now. I had no idea what I was doing at the time, Bruce. It was, I'm very blessed in my journey because this, when I woke up and when I became aware of what I was doing, I knew that I needed to take a couple of steps in order to support myself, because I had had a couple of very close calls that I knew pretty soon was going to be probably one of my end experiences. And that scared me, that scared me enough to look at things and see whether or not this was really where I wanted to go. And I had always, because I had that strong foundation, I think that really worked to pull me back. But I knew that the three steps that I knew I had to take, whereas I had to let go of everyone that was in my life at that time.
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
So I walked away from the people that I was hanging out with. And it was very lonely at that time because I felt like I had nobody with me on that path. I felt like I was completely choosing something that was going to ostracize me. And and I didn't know where to go. So there was that feeling that I knew I had to, to deal with the next was I actually enrolled myself into a mastermind. I heard about a local group that was doing a gathering that was talking about things like the law of attraction. In fact, they were studying one of Bob Proctor's books. Yeah. And so I signed up for that because I knew they'd be my weekly contact. And maybe then I could also connect with people that were in a different space. So I did that. And then I started moving my body quite a bit. And I'm a big believer that we can work through our mind and we can work our body. But if we're not doing it together, there's no true outlet for those emotions to be released.
Bruce Langford:
So what were some of the first things you learned from that mastermind that studied the Bob Proctor book?
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
Hm. One of the biggest things that I took away with it was that we are all full of potential and it's whether or not we choose to tap into it. And that was my aha. Like, so there would be those moments, right. And where I'd crave and I'd want to go back to my old patterns, but that would come into my mind, but we all have the same potential. So what are you choosing to do with it? And I kept that into my brain as much as possible. So that every time that feeling or desire would come up to go down that, that past based path, I could come back to that. And then I found that I surrounded myself with as many people in that new space as possible, so that if I was kind of setting myself up so that if I did relapse, if I did go back to that, that I felt like I was letting other people down. So it was almost like I was tethering myself to a new space because I had such a strong desire to do something different for myself that the old way wasn't a possibility anymore.
Bruce Langford:
So then you be GaN to immerse yourself into the world of yoga. So what did that look like?
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
Yeah, so it started off purely as practice. And to be honest, when I first started practicing yoga, I was one of those people where at the very end I could do the movement. I loved it. I mean, there was a little bit of ego involved because I could do a lot of the different postures and Pat myself on the back for how great I, that, and then at the end in Shavasana where you have stillness, I couldn't do it. And I would have my, my mentor at the time she would come and actually sit with me and hold my hand because I would pop up and I would look and I would almost get that anxiety feeling of like, okay, well I'm done. I shouldn't be here anymore. Let's move on. And so I then really started to dive into that stillness, so, okay. So I can do the posture, but I can't be still.
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
So let's lean in there. And I started to do that. And then I, that's what I got invited to do the yoga teacher training. And I, it was quite interesting the first day we walked in and they said, okay, well, let's share about yourself, share about your journey. And at that point I had, I had never shared before. And so I remember going around the room and just shaking, sweating, thinking all of these things like, Oh my gosh, these people are going to judge me and sharing. And the amount of support that came out and the stories that came out, it made me realize that we can't just sit there and look at people and assume that we know their journeys. We need to connect. And we need to understand on a deeper level so that we can actually understand ourselves on a deeper level as well.
Bruce Langford:
So what was the breakthrough that happened when you started to really believe and accept that slowing down was one of the most important things you could do?
Meagan Fettes, Understanding The 3 Minds:
The biggest breakthrough was my mindset. And I guess not even necessarily my mindset, but being able to sustain a positive mindset because there was no longer, like when we, when I was busy, the mindset would kind of have its own track. It would have its own way and its own 97% of the past based thoughts would be roaring when my brain and when I slowed down, there was an opportunity that I could actually see them. I could see them. And then I knew, and that moment that I had that choice. Okay. Well, I see that. Do I want to believe that? No. What is it that I do want to believe? And I had that opportunity then to swing my belief systems over to where I really wanted them to be and feel a little bit more in control within myself versus feeling like a victim in every experience that I had.
Tune in to the episode to learn more.