Welcome to this special edition of Mindfulness Mode. I'm publishing tonight because I want to share some thoughts and ideas with you as we move through through covid19. I mean, it's such a challenging time for a lot of people and, and it may not be for you, maybe it's not challenging for you at all, but there's one thing that I totally believe in. I think most people who are realists believe this. I'm not a pessimist. I can be an optimist, but I consider myself a realist. And that is that our world has changed in a major way. It is changed in a monumental way and we're going to start to see over the next few months what those ways really are. But man, wow, I was out today. I was in a store, one of the very, very few that's still open.
Bruce (01:03):
And I will tell you that people are so hesitant to be anywhere near each other, which is good because we must practice social distancing. We must do that to flatten the curve. But I mean, fear is settling into people. And, and I understand that completely because in my family we have some fears, we have a lot of fears, especially with my wife being a critical care nurse and working on the front lines and going in and have them tell her that, you know, she's only going to be given, you know, three masks for a 12 hour shift or two masks or a 12 hour shift or that there are only enough of those kinds of protective devices to last for a few more days. Man, that is scary. And my wife is not an alarmist, so I mean these are, these are challenging times. There's no question about it.
Bruce (02:09):
I picked up a book that is one of my favorites. I keep it on my shelf all the time and I pick it up lots of times. When I was in a mastermind with Bob Proctor, he said, this is literally the book that he reads every day. So if you know Bob Proctor, you'll know what the book is, but I opened it to this page. I just opened it to a random page. And this is the page that came up with and it says two forms of imagination. The imaginative faculty functions in two forms. One is known as synthetic imagination and the other as creative imagination. And so he talks a little bit about synthetic imagination and how it's more like looking at old concepts, old ideas and plans and so on. And then he starts talking about creative imagination.
Bruce (03:03):
The second kind and he says through the faculty of creative imagination, the finite mind of humankind has direct communication with infinite intelligence. It is the faculty through which hunches and inspirations are received. It is by this faculty that all basic or new ideas are developed. It is through this faculty that thought vibrations from the minds of others are received and it is through this faculty that one individual may tune into or communicate with the subconscious minds of others. The creative imagination works automatically in the manner described in the subsequent pages. And he goes on and talks about this. And the reason I'm reading this and the reason I'm telling you about this is because we must use our creative minds at this time. To think out of the box and to figure out how to move forward in this world. Now maybe you are in a business that's thriving right now.
Bruce (04:12):
Maybe you're in health care where they, you know, maybe you're like my wife and you know, they just can't get enough nurses to work in the ICU. You know, maybe you're like that and you don't have a concern or maybe you've just been laid off or fired and you're wondering if that business is even going to be there in a few months. And if that's the case, you may need to pivot. And it's very important and I mean, this is easy for me to say I get this, but it's very important to use mindfulness so that we don't feel panicked so that we don't feel this fear gripping us. That is going to shut down our creative mind because that can happen very, very easily. That's what happens. Fear and panic shuts down our creativity. And now more than any time in history, or at least certainly history in the last the last hundred years, we need to use our creative minds to survive.
Bruce (05:16):
And to pivot for many of us, we need to be able to pivot. And what I mean by that is, if you've been working, say in the restaurant industry, you may need to be thinking about somewhere else to work because things are changing so fast and in such a huge way or you know, I mean there are many, many industries that are going to be impacted very powerfully like this and already are. And so we have to be creative. I mean, we have to start thinking about, you know, how we can adjust our business model, whatever it is, so that you'll still be able to do business. Even if you can't meet at an office or even if you can't go and meet with a group of people. You know, if you were previously a speaker and you spent all the time, all the money you earned was speaking in, you know, two big groups of people, you may need to look at different ways to use your skills.
Bruce (06:15):
And so people that work in, uh, in homes that go to people's homes that can be thriving. Or what about if you're doing online tutoring or online teaching of some kind that could be something that is just going to explode. Telemedicine, home based services of any kind. You know, some of these are things that many of you, Mindful Tribe, can do. You know right now and there's going to be a mass migration to the online space for business. Any business where you can work virtually. So we have to pivot. We can't just kind of sit here and think, well you know, I'll wait till you know, I'll wait for a few weeks and then I'll go back to work. Well maybe that will be true for you and I hope and pray that it is, but for many of us things are not going to be like that.
Bruce (07:11):
Like I said, we have to think out of the box. There are all kinds of online publications looking for writers, people who can write what people want to read about and what do people want to read about right now? Well, they want to read about how to stay safe from coronavirus, how to overcome anxieties during times of crisis, how to stay grounded when fear is gripping them and the, they want to learn about how to successfully work from home. People are just eating up these kinds of articles and there are all kinds of online publications that are paying. And you know, it could be that you have a talent to write and just sit down and write an article, you know, six or 800 words or a thousand words and just get comfortable with that. Or tell some stories, read, write some articles that are telling some stories about survival through this time or some stories that are good news stories.
Bruce (08:14):
But how people are helping each other during the pandemic. And there are publications. First of all, you can, you can get them published for free. You know, you don't have to be paid at first of course, but if you kinda liked this and you think, Hey, this is kind of my thing, I can tell you there are many out there that will pay you to do this. So if you're sitting at home wondering, you know, what can I do, I'm so bored. That is something you can do and something else. Videos are huge since the pandemic hit because there are more people at home and before covid, so many people were driving to and from work, they were listening to audios and I can tell you that my podcast is still being downloaded a ton, absolutely a huge amount and just hit 2 million downloads.
Bruce (09:08):
So I'm really excited about that. But videos are absolutely huge since this pandemic hit well you can make a video on any of those topics I just mentioned, you know you can just get on and put a video up, start a video channel, start a YouTube channel or post those videos. I mean I'm sure you know there are lots of places where you can post videos and that can start to give you some, you know, some traction and help you figure out what should I be doing during this time? And I can tell you that I have been very, very busy since this started because my goal is to help as many people as I possibly can. And so I've been just doing more and more work, doing more coaching to help people who need help through this.
Bruce (10:02):
You know, people in business who are feeling the panic, feeling the anxiety. And I'm fortunate that I'm here so that I can help people and I can get on these calls and help my clients with this. And that's, that's huge. But what I was going to say is I'm at the point where I need help with my social media and if any of you are sitting at home and you're kind of bored and you're thinking, you know, I'll just go on Facebook or I'll go on, I'll go on a, you know, Twitter or whatever. Well, if you had the passion to help me, if you, if you felt like, Hey, you know, I, I'd like, like to help Bruce with his mindfulness mode podcast. I would be so grateful. And, uh, you know, there are many people that are extremely skilled at using social media.
Bruce (10:50):
I know that. And so anyway, if you would reach out to me, I'd be so grateful or reach out to me and tell me a story, a good news story or a story of some kind about what you're doing right now, what's happening in your life, bruce@mindfulnessmode.com. That's my email address. I'd love to hear from you. I'm working very, very hard just coming up with more, uh, ways to help people through mindfulness. And mindfulness is incredible at how it can help you and you know that or you wouldn't be listening to this show. You know, that meditation can make a huge difference. You know, that, you know, walking meditation is a wonderful thing and there's so many aspects of exercise when you combine it with mindfulness that, you know, this can make us feel so much better than if we just kind of sit on the couch and, and watch Netflix for hours.
Bruce (11:51):
You can, you can end being very, very anxious as a result of this. So anyway, I just wanted to touch base about these thoughts. Oh, in the book that I was reading from you, probably wondering isn't you're going to tell me, well, the book is called think and grow rich and, uh, it's really a mindset book. I know it's called think and grow rich. It's by Napoleon Hill. But it's certainly not all about money by any means. It's about your mind. It's about mindset. And a lot of what's in there is about mindfulness. But mindfulness, even though the word had never been thought of when this book was written many years ago. So that's the book. I highly recommend it. I am so grateful, mindful tribe that you've tuned in and that you're one of my followers. Thank you so much. And I'll, uh, I'll be here for next time, so, so see you then. Take care. Bye now.
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