Nov. 28, 2024

Voluntary Hardship; Matt Reynolds

Voluntary Hardship; Matt Reynolds
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Voluntary Hardship; Matt Reynolds

Matt Reynolds, founder of Barbell Logic, believes voluntary hardship is a key to success for those seeking lasting fitness solutions. Matt helps strength coaches and personal trainers transition from traditional gym-based models to online coaching. With over 25 years in strength sports and coaching, Matt launched STRONG Gym in 2008, one of the top strength gyms in the U.S., before selling it in 2015 to create Barbell Logic. His online coaching platform offers affordable, flexible training with expert coaches worldwide. Barbell Logic now serves thousands of clients, including high-profile individuals and organizations like the U.S. Air Force. Matt also hosts the popular Barbell Logic podcast, sharing his expertise in fitness and online coaching.

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Most Influential Person

  • My little brother

Effect on Emotions

  • I think emotions and feelings lie. I don't think they're not valid, I think that's part of our humanity.
  • I try to approach everything with logic and reason. There are times when I am overjoyed and times when I am really sad.
  • I recognize those emotions, but I think that the mindfulness piece is: Are my emotions telling me the truth right now? Or is this just a feeling that I can approach with logic and reason? I'm not Spock, I'm not a Vulcan. I'm still allowed to have humanity and remain focused on the task at hand.

Thoughts on Breathing

  • It's interesting that when you lift, you don't breathe—you hold your breath. This creates inter-abdominal tightness, which sometimes scares people, but it's what keeps you tight from losing rigidity.
  • When I breathe, I'm trying to get myself into a parasympathetic tone or a relaxed state.
  • I use breathing, mindfulness, and focus to get myself out of those times of heightened emotion and a heightened nervous system and bring myself back down to earth so that I can focus on the things that really matter.

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