Jared Karol is the founder of a consulting firm specializing in guiding White people to confront racism. As a trusted advisor, he guides executives, people managers, and dedicated change agents at Fortune 500 companies, startups, and nonprofits through his work at JaredKarol.com. Jared is a sought-after professional speaker, panel moderator, leadership coach, and facilitator of difficult conversations. Jared's storytelling approach inspires and [Read more…]
Archives for December 2021
A Holiday Wish
From the bottom of my heart, I just really wish you the very best, Mindful Tribe. I wish that you feel this amazing feeling in your life of calm focus, and happiness. And that's because way back in 2015, when I started the Mindfulness Mode Podcast, one of my goals was that through mindfulness, I would be able to [Read more…]
The Mindful Movement; Sara Raymond
Joyous Seasonal Mindfulness
Seasonal mindfulness is today's topic because when we're celebrating, let's use mindfulness to help us fully enjoy the moments. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Enjoy the bustle, and the hustle and joy, the vibrancy. I talked last week about how you can get through this, if this is challenging for you. If this is a season that does not feel joyous or happy or exciting, what do you do? In this case, I urge you to check out last week's episode, “Overcome Holiday Sadness”. It's Episode 718. [Read more…]